Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started with Asthma 5Chapter 1: Understanding Asthma Basics 7Chapter 2: Building Your Healthcare Team 33Chapter 3: Making the Most of Your Doctor Visits 41Chapter 4: Living Well with Asthma 51Chapter 5: Managing Asthma Long Term 67Part 2: Knowing What Can Trigger Asthma 83Chapter 6: Knowing Your Asthma Triggers 85Chapter 7: The Role of Inhalant Allergies 103Chapter 8: The Role of Food Allergies 127Chapter 9: The Roles of Exercise and Emotions 147Chapter 10: The Role of Other Medical Conditions 155Part 3: Controlling Your Asthma 193Chapter 11: Getting Allergy Tested and Allergy Shots 195Chapter 12: Understanding Asthma Medications 209Chapter 13: Looking at Asthma Controller Drugs 229Chapter 14: Treating Asthma Episodes 249Part 4: Special Asthma Conditions 261Chapter 15: Asthma and Children and Teens 263Chapter 16: Pregnancy and Asthma 281Chapter 17: Asthma and Older Adults 291Chapter 18: Looking At Other Asthma Concerns 295Part 5: Finding Support and Speaking Up 303Chapter 19: Patient Advocacy for Yourself and Others 305Chapter 20: Turning to Trusted Resources 311Part 6: The Part of Tens 319Chapter 21: Ten Tips for Traveling with Asthma 321Chapter 22: Ten Myths About Asthma and Allergies 329Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Avoid the September Asthma Peak 335Index 341
William E. Berger, MD, MBA, has over 40 years of clinical experience diagnosing and treating patients with allergies and asthma. He founded the Allergy & Asthma Associates of Southern California, where he practiced both adult and pediatric allergy and immunology.Tonya A. Winders, MBA, is the president of the Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform and former CEO of Allergy & Asthma Network. She has 15 years' experience in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
Berger Monty Berger currently resides in Westmont, Quebec... więcej >