ISBN-13: 9781119681908 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 288 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119681908 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 288 str.
Preface xiii1 IoT-Based Battery Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle 1P. Sivaraman and C. Sharmeela1.1 Introduction 11.2 Battery Configurations 31.3 Types of Batteries for HEV and EV 51.4 Functional Blocks of BMS 61.4.1 Components of BMS System 71.5 IoT-Based Battery Monitoring System 11References 142 A Noble Control Approach for Brushless Direct Current Motor Drive Using Artificial Intelligence for Optimum Operation of the Electric Vehicle 17Upama Das, Pabitra Kumar Biswas and Chiranjit Sain2.1 Introduction 182.2 Introduction of Electric Vehicle 192.2.1 Historical Background of Electric Vehicle 192.2.2 Advantages of Electric Vehicle Environmental Mechanical Energy Efficiency Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles The Grid Stabilization Range Heating of EVs 222.2.3 Artificial Intelligence 222.2.4 Basics of Artificial Intelligence 232.2.5 Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in Electric Vehicle 242.3 Brushless DC Motor 242.4 Mathematical Representation Brushless DC Motor 252.5 Closed-Loop Model of BLDC Motor Drive 302.5.1 P-I Controller & I-P Controller 312.6 PID Controller 322.7 Fuzzy Control 332.8 Auto-Tuning Type Fuzzy PID Controller 342.9 Genetic Algorithm 352.10 Artificial Neural Network-Based Controller 362.11 BLDC Motor Speed Controller With ANN-Based PID Controller 372.11.1 PID Controller-Based on Neuro Action 382.11.2 ANN-Based on PID Controller 382.12 Analysis of Different Speed Controllers 392.13 Conclusion 41References 423 Optimization Techniques Used in Active Magnetic Bearing System for Electric Vehicles 49Suraj Gupta, Pabitra Kumar Biswas, Sukanta Debnath and Jonathan Laldingliana3.1 Introduction 503.2 Basic Components of an Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) 543.2.1 Electromagnet Actuator 543.2.2 Rotor 543.2.3 Controller 553.2.3.1 Position Controller 563.2.3.2 Current Controller 563.2.4 Sensors 563.2.4.1 Position Sensor 563.2.4.2 Current Sensor 573.2.5 Power Amplifier 573.3 Active Magnetic Bearing in Electric Vehicles System 583.4 Control Strategies of Active Magnetic Bearing for Electric Vehicles System 593.4.1 Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) 593.4.1.1 Designing of Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) Using MATLAB 603.4.2 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 633.4.2.1 Artificial Neural Network Using MATLAB 633.4.3 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 673.4.4 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm 683.4.4.1 Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization for Electric Vehicles System 703.5 Conclusion 71References 724 Small-Signal Modelling Analysis of Three-Phase Power Converters for EV Applications 77Mohamed G. Hussien, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Abd El-Wahab Hassan and Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen4.1 Introduction 774.2 Overall System Modelling 794.2.1 PMSM Dynamic Model 794.2.2 VSI-Fed SPMSM Mathematical Model 804.3 Mathematical Analysis and Derivation of the Small-Signal Model 864.3.1 The Small-Signal Model of the System 864.3.2 Small-Signal Model Transfer Functions 874.3.3 Bode Diagram Verification 964.4 Conclusion 100References 1005 Energy Management of Hybrid Energy Storage System in PHEV With Various Driving Mode 103S. Arun Mozhi, S. Charles Raja, M. Saravanan and J. Jeslin Drusila Nesamalar5.1 Introduction 1045.1.1 Architecture of PHEV 1045.1.2 Energy Storage System 1055.2 Problem Description and Formulation 1065.2.1 Problem Description 1065.2.2 Objective 1065.2.3 Problem Formulation 1065.3 Modeling of HESS 1075.4 Results and Discussion 1085.4.1 Case 1: Gradual Acceleration of Vehicle 1085.4.2 Case 2: Gradual Deceleration of Vehicle 1095.4.3 Case 3: Unsystematic Acceleration and Deceleration of Vehicle 1105.5 Conclusion 111References 1126 Reliability Approach for the Power Semiconductor Devices in EV Applications 115Krishnachaitanya, D., Chitra, A. and Biswas, S.S.6.1 Introduction 1156.2 Conventional Methods for Prediction of Reliability for Power Converters 1166.3 Calculation Process of the Electronic Component 1186.4 Reliability Prediction for MOSFETs 1196.5 Example: Reliability Prediction for Power Semiconductor Device 1216.6 Example: Reliability Prediction for Resistor 1226.7 Conclusions 123References 1237 Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Drive Cycles for PMSM-Based HEV With Optimal Battery Type 125Chitra, A., Srivastava, Shivam, Gupta, Anish, Sinha, Rishu, Biswas, S.S. and Vanishree, J.7.1 Introduction 1267.2 Modeling of Hybrid Electric Vehicle 1277.2.1 Architectures Available for HEV 1287.3 Series--Parallel Hybrid Architecture 1297.4 Analysis With Different Drive Cycles 1297.4.1 Acceleration Drive Cycle 1307.4.1.1 For 30% State of Charge 1307.4.1.2 For 60% State of Charge 1317.4.1.3 For 90% State of Charge 1317.5 Cruising Drive Cycle 1327.6 Deceleration Drive Cycle 1327.6.1 For 30% State of Charge 1347.6.2 For 60% State of Charge 1367.6.3 For 90% State of Charge 1377.7 Analysis of Battery Types 1397.8 Conclusion 140References 1418 Modified Firefly-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for PV Systems Under Partial Shading Conditions 143Chitra, A., Yogitha, G., Karthik Sivaramakrishnan, Razia Sultana, W. and Sanjeevikumar, P.8.1 Introduction 1438.2 System Block Diagram Specifications 1468.3 Photovoltaic System Modeling 1488.4 Boost Converter Design 1508.5 Incremental Conductance Algorithm 1528.6 Under Partial Shading Conditions 1538.7 Firefly Algorithm 1548.8 Implementation Procedure 1568.9 Modified Firefly Logic 1578.10 Results and Discussions 1598.11 Conclusion 162References 1629 Induction Motor Control Schemes for Hybrid Electric Vehicles/Electric Vehicles 165Sarin, M.V., Chitra, A., Sanjeevikumar, P. and Venkadesan, A.9.1 Introduction 1669.2 Control Schemes of IM 1679.2.1 Scalar Control 1679.3 Vector Control 1689.4 Modeling of Induction Machine 1699.5 Controller Design 1749.6 Simulations and Results 1759.7 Conclusions 176References 17710 Intelligent Hybrid Battery Management System for Electric Vehicle 179Rajalakshmi, M. and Razia Sultana, W.10.1 Introduction 17910.2 Energy Storage System (ESS) 18110.2.1 Lithium-Ion Batteries 18310.2.1.1 Lithium Battery Challenges 18310.2.2 Lithium-Ion Cell Modeling 18410.2.3 Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries 18610.2.4 Lead-Acid Batteries 18710.2.5 Ultracapacitors (UC) 18710.2.5.1 Ultracapacitor Equivalent Circuit 18710.2.6 Other Battery Technologies 18910.3 Battery Management System 19010.3.1 Need for BMS 19110.3.2 BMS Components 19210.3.3 BMS Architecture/Topology 19310.3.4 SOC/SOH Determination 19310.3.5 Cell Balancing Algorithms 19710.3.6 Data Communication 19710.3.7 The Logic and Safety Control 19810.3.7.1 Power Up/Down Control 19810.3.7.2 Charging and Discharging Control 19910.4 Intelligent Battery Management System 19910.4.1 Rule-Based Control 20110.4.2 Optimization-Based Control 20110.4.3 AI-Based Control 20210.4.4 Traffic (Look Ahead Method)-Based Control 20310.5 Conclusion 203References 20311 A Comprehensive Study on Various Topologies of Permanent Magnet Motor Drives for Electric Vehicles Application 207Chiranjit Sain, Atanu Banerjee and Pabitra Kumar Biswas11.1 Introduction 20811.2 Proposed Design Considerations of PMSM for Electric Vehicle 20911.3 Impact of Digital Controllers 21111.3.1 DSP-Based Digital Controller 21211.3.2 FPGA-Based Digital Controller 21211.4 Electric Vehicles Smart Infrastructure 21211.5 Conclusion 214References 21512 A New Approach for Flux Computation Using Intelligent Technique for Direct Flux Oriented Control of Asynchronous Motor 219A. Venkadesan, K. Sedhuraman, S. Himavathi and A. Chitra12.1 Introduction 22012.2 Direct Field-Oriented Control of IM Drive 22112.3 Conventional Flux Estimator 22212.4 Rotor Flux Estimator Using CFBP-NN 22312.5 Comparison of Proposed CFBP-NN With Existing CFBP-NN for Flux Estimation 22412.6 Performance Study of Proposed CFBP-NN Using MATLAB/SIMULINK 22512.7 Practical Implementation Aspects of CFBP-NN-Based Flux Estimator 22912.8 Conclusion 231References 23113 A Review on Isolated DC-DC Converters Used in Renewable Power Generation Applications 233Ingilala Jagadeesh and V. Indragandhi13.1 Introduction 23313.2 Isolated DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications 23413.3 Three-Phase DC-DC Converter 23813.4 Conclusion 238References 23914 Basics of Vector Control of Asynchronous Induction Motor and Introduction to Fuzzy Controller 241S.S. Biswas14.1 Introduction 24114.2 Dynamics of Separately Excited DC Machine 24314.3 Clarke and Park Transforms 24414.4 Model Explanation 25114.5 Motor Parameters 25214.6 PI Regulators Tuning 25414.7 Future Scope to Include Fuzzy Control in Place of PI Controller 25614.8 Conclusion 257References 258Index 259
Chitra A. received her PhD from Pondicherry University and is now an associate professor in the School of Electrical Engineering, at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India. She has published many papers in SCI journals and her research areas include PV-based systems, neural networks, induction motor drives, reliability analysis of multilevel inverters, and electrical vehicles.Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban obtained his PhD from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2012, and since 2018, he has been a faculty member in the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Esbjerg, Denmark. He has authored more than 300 scientific papers.Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen currently works at the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University and is Head of the Esbjerg Energy Section. He has executed many large-scale European Union and United Nations projects in research aspects of bioenergy, biorefinery processes, the full chain of biogas and green engineering. He has authored more than 100 scientific papers.S. Himavathi received her PhD degree in the area of fuzzy modelling from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2003. Currently, she is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, India.
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