1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Computer Interface 2. Development BCI Using AI Diagnosis of Epileptic Seizure Disorders 3. AI-Based BCI for Identification of Sleep Disorders Using EEG Signals 4. Emotion Recognition Based BCI 5. AI-Based BCI for Apnea Detection 6. Motor-Imagery Task Classification in BCI 7. Identifying Alcoholic Brain State and Effect in BCI 8. Approaches for Classification of Apnea Disorders Using EEG Signals 9. Stress Management Using Artificial Intelligence for BCI 10. Machine Learning Techniques for Development of Smart Healthcare 11. Prediction of Disease Based on Probabilistic Modeling of Medical Data 12. AI-Based Classification of Focal Disorders Using EEG Signals 13. Identification and Analysis of EEG Signals for BCI 14. Intelligent Medical Data Processing for BCI 15. Management of Disease Spread in Large Populations: Case Studies in BCI