6th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021).- 5G Communications as “Enabler” for Smart Power Grids: The Case of the Smart5Grid Project.- 5G-VICTORI: Future Railway Communications Requirements Driving 5G Deployments in Railways.- 5G-VICTORI: Optimizing Media Streaming in Mobile Environments using mmWave, NBMP and 5G Edge Computing.- A Novel Architectural Approach for the Provision of Scalable and Automated Network Slice Management, in 5G and Beyond.- A prototype 5G/IoT implementation for transforming a legacy facility to a Smart Factory.- Advanced first responders' services by using FASTER project Architectural Solution.- High mobility 5G services for vertical industries - network operator's view.- Machine Learning-Based, Networking and Computing Infrastructure Resource Management.- Power Control in 5G Heterogeneous Cells considering User Demands using Deep Reinforcement Learning.- The Challenge of Security Breaches in the Era of 5G Networking.- Top Challenges in 5G Densification.- TYPHON: Hybrid Data Lakes for Real-time Big Data Analytics – An Evaluation Framework in the Telecom Industry.- V2X Communications for the Support of GLOSA and Intelligent Intersection Applications.- Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics Workshop (AI-BIO 2021).- A Machine Learning Approach for Recognition of Elders' Activities using Passive Sensors.- Analyzing Collective Knowledge towards Public Health Policy Making.- Evaluating mental patients utilizing video analysis of facial expressions.- An inception-based architecture for haemodialysis time series classification.- Workshop on Defense Applications of AI (DAAI 2021).- A Lipschitz - Shapley Explainable Defense Methodology Against Adversarial Attacks.- A Multimodal AI-leveraged Counter-UAV Framework for Diverse Environments.- Cyber attack detection and trust management toolkit for defence-related microgrids.- On the potential of SDN enabled network deployment in tactical environments.- Distributed AI for Resource - Constrained Platforms Workshop (DARE 2021).- A first sensitivity study of multi-object multi-camera tracking performance.- An Initial Analysis of the Shortcomings of Conventional AI and the Benefits of Distributed AI Approaches in Industrial Use Cases.- Distributed data compression for edge devices.- PFilter: Privacy-aware and secure data filtering at the edge for distributed edge analytics.- Towards a Distributed Learning Architecture for Securing ISP Home Customers.- Energy Efficiency and Artificial Intelligence Workshop (ΕΕΑΙ 2021).- A Recommendation Specific Human Activity Recognition Dataset with Mobile Device’s Sensor Data.- Explainable needn’t be (much) less accurate: evaluating an explainable AI dashboard for energy forecasting.- Improving Energy Efficiency in Tertiary Buildings through user-driven Recommendations delivered on optimal Micro-moments.- Semantic modeling of trustworthy IoT entities in energy-efficient cultural spaces.- Short Term Net Imbalance Volume Forecasting through Machine and Deep Learning: A UK case study.- 10th Mining Humanistic Data Workshop (MHDW 2021).- Community Detection Algorithms for Cultural and Natural Heritage Data in Social Networks.- Forecasting Air Flight Delays and Enabling Smart Airport Services in Apache Spark.- Movie Recommendation System based on Character Graph Embeddings.- Privacy-Preserving Text Labelling Through Crowdsourcing.- Recognition of epidemic cases in social web texts.- Active Bagging Ensemble Selection.- Applying Machine Learning to Predict Whether Learners will Start a MOOC after Initial Registration.- Self-supervised approach for Urban Tree Recognition on Aerial Images.- Visitor behavior analysis for an ancient Greek technology exhibition.