Section 1 General 1 The Anatomy and Functional Importance of Finger Joints: A Short Atlas 2 Biomaterials in Arthroplasty of the Hand 3 Proprioception and Neural Feedback in Thumb and Wrist Arthroplasty 4 Outcome Measurement in Hand and Wrist Arthroplasty 5 The Norwegian Arthroplasty Register 6 The History of Arthroplasty in the Hand and Wrist Section 2 Arthroplasty of Finger Joints Section 2A: MCP-Arthroplasty 7 Failure Analysis of Silicone Implants in Metacarpophalangeal and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints 8 Silicone Interposition Arthroplasty for MCP and PIP Joints 9 Surface Gliding Implants for Metacarpophalangeal Joints 10 Vascularized Toe Joint Transfers for Proximal Interphalangeal and Metacarpophalangeal Joint Reconstruction Section 2B: PIP and DIP-Arthroplasty 11 The Treatment Strategy in PIP Arthroplasty 12 Second-Generation Surface Gliding Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Implants (Metal, Pyrocarbon, and Ceramic) 13 Third-Generation PIP Joint Arthroplasty: Tactys 14 Third-Generation PIP Arthroplasty: CapFlex-PIP 15 Third-Generation PIP Arthroplasty: PIP-R 16 Surgical Approaches for PIP Joint Arthroplasty 17 Joint Replacement of Osteoarthritic and Posttraumatic Distal Interphalangeal Joints Section 3 Arthroplasty of the Thumb 18 Silicone Implants and Total Joint Prostheses for Osteoarthritic of the Trapeziometacarpal Joint: A Systematic Review 19 Pi2 and Nugrip Pyrocarbon Arthroplasties of the Thumb CMC Joint 20 Pyrocardan and Pyrodisk Arthroplasties of the Thumb CMC Joint 21 Total Thumb CMC Arthroplasty 22 STT and Peritrapezium Joints Arthroplasties 23 Thumb IP Joint Arthroplasty: An Alternative to Arthrodesis Section 4 Arthroplasty of the Wrist 24 Systematic Review of Wrist Arthroplasty 25 Surface Replacement Wrist Arthroplasty 26 Ball-and-Socket Wrist Arthroplasty 27 Wrist Hemiarthroplasty for Acute Irreparable Distal Radius Fracture in the Independent Elderly 28 Pyrocarbon Implants in the Wrist: Amandys and RCPI 29 Partial Wrist Joint Arthroplasties: APSI, Capitolunate Joint, Pisotriquetral Joint, and Little Finger Carpometacarpal Joint 30 Revision Wrist Arthroplasty Section 5 Arthroplasty of the DRUJ 31 Systematic Review of Distal Radioulnar Joint (DRUJ) Arthroplasty 32 First Choice Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthroplasty 33 UHP DRUJ Arthroplasty 34 Eclypse Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthroplasty 35 Salvage Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthroplasty with the Aptis Implant