Main Conference.- Approximate Data Dependence Pro ling based on Abstract Interval and Congruent Domains.- Evaluating Dynamic Task Scheduling with Priorities and Adaptive Aging in a Task-based Runtime System.- An Architecture for Solving the Eigenvalue Problem on Embedded FPGAs.- ECC Memory for Fault Tolerant RISC-V Processors.- 3D Optimisation of Software Application Mappings on Heterogeneous MPSoCs.- Towards a Priority-Based Task Distribution Strategy for an Artificial Hormone System.- DB: A Concept for Parallel Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware.- Investigating Transactional Memory for High Performance Embedded Systems.- X-CEL: A Method to Estimate Near-Memory Acceleration Potential in Tile-based MPSoCs.- Engineering an Optimized Instruction Set Architecture for AMIDAR Processors.- Scaling Logic Locking Schemes to Multi-Module Hardware Designs.- Exploration of Power Domain Partitioning with Concurrent Task Mapping and Scheduling for Application-specific Multi-core SoCs.- FORMUS3IC Workshop.- Scalable, Decentralized Battery Management System Based on Self-Organizing Nodes.- Security Improvements by Separating the Cryptographic Protocol from the Network Stack onto a Multi-MCU Architecture.- Equally Distributed Bus-Communication Access Rights for Inter MCU Communication using Multimaster SPI.- Workshop on Computer Architectures in Space (CompSpace).- On the Evaluation of SEU Effects on AXI Interconnect within AP-SoCs.- Satellite Onboard Data Reduction using a Risc-V core inside an RTG4-based Data Processing Pipeline.- Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms (PASA).- Accelerating Real-Time Applications with Predictable Work-Stealing.