In the BSc year 1 modules of Graphic Skills and in Introducing Urban Design. We have a target of 50 students per year, but student numbers have increased in the last few years to 60s, and 80s this current year. We do not have compulsory reading, we provide indicative reading lists. This book is one which is very much used in tutorials and as a reference to explain and expand the understanding of scale in built environment project proposals. The proposed changes look up to date. There are sections which I look forward to see details of, such as ?transport? and ?urban development?, in particular if there will be reference to different sized urban areas (from small towns to megacities), historic towns vs planned new towns, infill development and degrees of public/privateness of open space. In past years, our VLE was used simply as a repository of references. This year was 100% online, with digital customised resources and extracts of textbooks provided by the library, and although I have been in maternity and sabbatical leave, I know colleagues have used a combination of blended activities through synchronous group and individual tutoring and asynchronous lecturing. -Elisabete Cidre, University College London I was introduced to Neufert in university where it was on the reading list, and still rely upon it, and the Metric Handbook, today. Neufert goes into more depth than other books. Another resource I like is from RIBA, they offer a set of small pocket-sized books which provide checklists and other details that I can use while on a site or at a client. I would love to see links to suppliers, and codes or regulations, especially docs that are ?digital native? ? 16x9 resolution, for example. Digital content can focus on the high-level topics, and let me drill into the details that I need. Updated content about sustainability is important. [Ed note: Although we have only print rights to Neufert, we will consider the above digital content insights in other product development.] - Justin Nicholls, Fathom Architects, London
Foreword ixPreface xBASICSAbbreviations and symbols 1Units 2Drawings 4Accessible Building 21Dimensional Basics and Relationships 27Visual Perception 37DESIGN PROCESSDesign 40Materials and Design 44Design 52Sustainable Building 53Certification 55Facility Management 56Refurbishment 58Design and Construction Management 64BUILDING COMPONENTSFoundations 75Walls 83Floor Slabs 89Roofs 94Windows 105Glass 113Doors 122Stairs 129Escalators 135Moving Walkways 136Lifts 137BUILDING SERVICESRenewable Energy 143Building Physics 149Daylight 166Artificial Lighting 177Lighting 183Fire Protection 188Domestic Installation 198Supply and Disposal 212Chimneys and Ventilation Shafts 219TRANSPORTRoads 222Parking Facilities 231Public Transport 247Railways 252Aviation 259EXTERNAL WORKSCemeteries 265Landscape Architecture 268Trees 269Urban Trees 270Earthworks 271Garden Enclosures 273Pergola and Trellis 275Paths, Paving, Steps 278Drainage 279Vegetation 280Biological Engineering 282Greenhouses 284Ponds and Pools 286External Works - Example 289RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGSBasics 290Urban Development 293Access 294Residential Buildings 298Floor Plan Concepts 299Rooms 312GATHERINGSBasics 331ACCOMMODATIONStudent Residences 336Elderly People's Accommodation 337Hotels 340Catering 346Youth Hostels 356Holiday/Weekend Homes 357Camping 358EDUCATION AND RESEARCHChildren's Daycare 359Playgrounds 362Schools 364Universities and Colleges 375Libraries 384RELIGIOUS BUILDINGSChristian Churches 390Synagogues 394Mosques 396CULTURAL VENUESMuseums and Art Galleries 399Theatres 403Concert Halls 413Cinemas 416AV Studios 421Circus 423Zoos 424SPORT AND LEISUREStadiums 427Sports Facilities 430Sports Halls 460Swimming Pools 472Spa 482Amusement Arcades 485WORKBasics 486ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICESOffice Buildings 493High-Rise Buildings 507Parliamentary Buildings 510Banks 513RETAILRetail Outlets 514INDUSTRY AND TRADEIndustry 522Workshops 531AGRICULTUREFarmyards 542Animal Husbandry 548HEALTHDoctors' Practices 558Hospitals 559
Ernst Neufert (15 March 1900 -- 23 February 1986) was a German architect and assistant to Walter Gropius at the Bauhaus. He taught at the Bauhochschule and Darmstadt University of technology, and opened his own practice, Neufert and Neufert, in 1953.