to non commutative differential geometry.- Special values of hecke L-functions and abelian integrals.- An introduction to infinitesimal variations of hodge structures.- New dimensions in geometry.- Commentary on the article of manin.- The mandelbrot set in a model for phase transitions.- Recent developments in representation theory.- Loop groups.- Some recent results in complex manifold theory related to vanishing theorems for the semipositive case.- Groups and group functors attached to kac-moody data.- Modular points, modular curves, modular surfaces and modular forms.- Eigenvalues of the dirac operator.- Manifolds of non positive curvature.- Metrics with holonomy G2 or spin (7).- On riemannian metrics adapted to three-dimensional contact manifolds.- 4-Manifolds with indefinite intersection form.- Arithmetische Kompaktifizierung des Modulraums der abelschen Varietäten.- The schottky problem.- Vojta’s conjecture.- A counterexample in 3-space to a conjecture of H. Hopf.- The topology and geometry of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces.- Addendum.