This book is the result of lessons, tutorials and other laboratories dealing with applied mechanical design in the universities and colleges. In the classical literature of the mechanical design, there are quite a few books that deal directly and theory and case studies, with their solutions.
Preface . xiii
Introduction xv
Chapter 1. Case Study–based Design Methodology 1
1.1. Methodology for designing a project product 1
1.2. Main players involved in the design process 2
1.3. Conceptualization and creativity 4
1.4. Functional analysis in design: the FAST method 4
1.5. Functional specifications (FS) 7
1.6. Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis 10
1.7. PERT method 13
1.8. The Gantt method (Henry Gantt s graph, devised 1910) 17
1.9. Principal functions of a product 20
1.10. Functional analysis in mechanical design 21
1.11. Scientific writing on a project 28
1.12. Esthetics of materials in mechanical design 30
1.13. Conclusion 31
Chapter 2. Materials and Geometry in Applied Mechanical Design, Followed by Case Studies 33
2.1. Introduction to materials in design 33
2.2. Optimization of mass in mechanical design 38
2.3. Case study of modeling based on the material geometry couple 39
2.4. Geometry by standard sections in strength of materials 42
2.5. Case study of design of multi–purpose items 51
2.6. Case study of superposed bimetallic materials 55
2.7. Curving and incurvate elements by sweeping of sheet metals 58
2.8. Conclusion 60
Chapter 3. Geometrical Specification of GPS and ISO Products: Case Studies of Hertzian Contacts 63
3.1. Introduction 63
3.2. Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in design 65
3.3. Envelopes and cylinders under pressure (for R/e < 20) 72
3.4. Case study 76
3.5. Rotating cylinders with a full round cross–section: flywheel 76
3.6. Press fit and thermal effects through bracing 80
3.7. Case study applied to bolted tanks 83
3.8. Case studies applied to contact stresses (Hertz) in design 89
3.9. Conclusion 96
Chapter 4. Design of Incurvate Geometries by Sweeping 97
4.1. Introduction 97
4.2. Case studies 99
4.3. Conclusion 115
Chapter 5. Principles for Calculations in Mechanical Design: Theory and Problems. Strength of
Materials in Constructions 117
5.1. Essential criteria of constructions in design 117
5.2. Principles of calculations for constructions in design 123
5.3. Pressurized recipients and/or containers 133
5.4. Calculation principles and solution method for compound loading 135
5.5. Buckling of elements of machines, beams, bars, shafts and stems 144
5.6. Design of stationary and rotating shafts 152
5.7. Power transmission elements: gear systems and pulleys 159
5.8. Sizing and design of couplings 165
5.9. Design of beams and columns 170
5.10. Case studies using the Castigliano method 180
5.11. Conclusion 183
Chapter 6. Noise and Vibration in Machine Parts 185
6.1. Noise and vibration in mechanical systems 185
6.2. Case study 1 189
6.3. Vibration of machines in mechanical design 195
6.4. Case studies with a numerical solution 201
6.5. Critical speeds of shafts in mechanical systems 215
6.6. Conclusion 225
Chapter 7. Principles of Calculations for Fatigue and Failure 227
7.1. Mechanical elements of failure through fatigue 227
7.2. Analysis of materials and sizing in applied design 229
7.3. Sizing of pivot joints with bearings 232
7.4. Faults of form and position of ranges on the operating clearance fit 239
7.5. Friction and speed of bearings 240
7.6. Sizing of bearing pivot joints and lifetime 241
7.7. Case study: statement of the problem 243
7.8. Biaxial stresses combined with shear for ductile materials in concrete application 246
7.9. Fundaments of sizing in mechanical design. Soderberg equations in fatigue of ductile materials 248
7.10. Welding and fatigue 253
7.11. Limits of performance and of strength in the elastic domain 267
7.12. Proposed project: outboard motor for a small boat 269
7.13. Conclusion 270
Chapter 8. Friction, Brakes and Gear Systems 271
8.1. Friction, materials and design of assembled systems 271
8.2. Buttressing of mechanical connections 274
8.3. Case study: principles of calculations for brakes 279
8.4. Principles of calculations of a gear system or gear disc 298
8.5. Flywheels and rims (discs and rims) 309
8.6. Conclusion 315
Chapter 9. Sizing of Creations 317
9.1. Elastic machine elements and bolted assemblies 317
9.2. Dimensions (sizing) of bolted assemblies 321
9.3. Fatigue, shocks and endurance of bolted assemblies 324
9.4. Springs in mechanical design 325
9.5. Simple blade and spiral blade springs 345
9.6. Main expressions of design calculations for Belleville washers 346
9.7. Power transmission. Case study: hoist 347
9.8. Case study on couplings 350
9.9. Case study on power transmission: external spring clutch 352
9.10. Couplings and machine elements subjected to stress at high speeds 356
9.11. Design of spring rings 359
9.12. Principle of calculations for a Belleville washer: case study 361
9.13. Determination of the pressing moment for a bolted assembly 362
9.14. Power transmission by epicyclic gear system 363
9.15. Conclusion 365
Chapter 10. Design of Plastic Products 367
10.1. Calculations for the design of plastic parts 367
10.2. Jointing of a ball bearing in a metal casing 370
10.3. Cylindrical clip of PP (e.g. blinds): force exerted 371
10.4. Types of clip fitting: counter–cylindrical cantilever 376
10.5. Configuration of strips: two–dimensional spline interpolation 381
10.6. Press assembly 383
10.7. Reduction of stress relaxation: bolts and self–tapping screws 385
10.8. Case study: piping link 386
10.9. Assembly by forced jointing 388
10.10. Stress and thermal swelling in assembled materials 391
10.11. Capacity and reliability of roller bearings (plastic and otherwise) 395
10.12. Safe stress of the appropriate material for a plastic clutch system 396
10.13. Case study: plastic ball bearings 398
10.14. Limits of performances of polymer design 401
10.15. Case study: fan with plastic blades 402
10.16. Conclusion 404
Chapter 11. Mechanical Design Projects 405
11.1. Proposed projects in mechanical design 405
11.2. Case studies of hoisting and handling devices 405
11.3. Projects design proposal for a lifting winch 406
11.4. Calculation and design of a bolted assembly 414
11.5. Yield of power transmission of a screw mechanism 417
11.6. Project 2: case studies: scooter 424
11.7. Project 3: dental hygiene dummy 428
Conclusion 443
Appendix 445
Bibliography 467
Index 471
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