Introduction - How Symbols grow. The Foundation of Scientific Study of Culture Elize Bisanz - Toward Understanding the "Biology of Mind" Hypothesis Interdsciplinary Seminar on Peirce - Peircean Logic as Semiotic Expanded into Biosemiotics as Transdisciplinary Framework Søren Brier - What Is the Esthetics of Charles S. Peirce For? Inquiry into a Theoretical Framework of Esthetics for a Theory of Discovery Tiago da Costa e Silva - The Meme is the Message: Self-Care Internet Memes Mary Jeanette Eberhardinger - Iconicity as Simultaneous Plurality. Beyond the restraints of formal knowledge organization systems Linda Freyberg - Zum Mehrwert der Semiotik nach Ch. S. Peirce für die heutige Linguistik Anna Kapuscinska - The Magnificent Impossibility of Virtual Reality Owen Kelly - Peirce's Root Metaphor within his Study of Semeiosis Kenneth Laine Ketner - Logic of Relatives as Syntax in the Genetic Code L'udmila Lacková - Peirce's "Logic of Number," Firstorderwise Thomas G. McLaughlin - Modelling Vision - A Semeiotic Approach to Algorithmic Images Stephanie Schneider - Gebäude als peircesche Zeichenprozesse Matthias Warkus
The Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism-the oldest organized research effort focused on the works of Charles S. Peirce and his study of interdisciplinary methods-was founded at Texas Tech University in 1971. The group publishes in and across disciplines ranging from the humanities to the sciences.