Contents: J.M. Moudy, Foreword. S.G. Cole, Preface. Part I:An Overview.P.D. Nelson, S.B. Sells' Contribution to the Science of Psychology and Its Applications. R.I. Evans, An Interview With Saul B.Sells. L.R. Chatham, Contributions of a Behavioral Scientist to a Public Health Administrator. J.W. Mann, Atmosphere In Sentences and Narratives. Part II:Models of Interactionist Strategies.J. McVicker Hunt, Relevance to Educability: Heritability or Range of Reaction. G. Gleser, Discussant. D.W. Fiske, Measuring to Understand and Understanding Measuring. S. Embretson, Discussant. Part III:Multivariate and Interactionist Studies of Personality.D. Magnusson, Issues in Personality Research From An Interactional Approach. N.S. Endler, Discussant. R.B. Cattell, Psychological States and Roles by the Modulation Model. R.L. Gorsuch, Discussant. D.S. Cartwright, Studies In Personality. M. Lorr, Discussant. Part IV:The Person In the Workplace.L.R. James, The Psychological Environment of the Workplace: Issues in Psychological and Organizational Climate. A.P. Jones, Discussant. R.C. Houston, Pilot Personnell Selection. J.M. Greener, Discussant. Part V:Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment.D.D. Simpson, Treatment Evaluation Research Based on the Drug Abuse Reporting Program, (DARP). B.S. Brown, Contributions of the DARP to Treatment Research Methods and Policy.