1. Introduction: Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Crops 2. Seed Testing - Purity and Low-Level Presence (LLP) 3. Grain Supply Chain Testing - Import and Export 4. Principles of Nucleic Acid-Based Detection Methods 5. Method Validation: DNA Based Detection Methods 6. Principles of Protein Detection Methods 7. Method Validation: Protein Detection Methods 8. Sources and Use of Reference Materials 9. Seed and Grain Sampling 10. Plant and Field Analysis 11. Testing Laboratory Design and Management 12. International Standards 13. Analytical Strategy and Interpretation of Results 14. Detection of Gene-Edited Products 15. Future Perspectives and Challenges
Ray Shillito was a co-organizer of the ILSI International Food Biotechnology Committee (IFBiC)- American Association of Cereal Chemists International (AACCI) workshops from which the concept and much of the content of this book were derived and has presented the materials in the workshops given in many countries. As a BASF business support manager, he represents BASF (Seeds and Traits) in many trade associations and technical and science organizations, including CropLife, ISO, AOAC, Cereals & Grains Association (formerly AACC), and AEIC. He interacts internationally on standards setting in the area of analytical technology (with a focus on agricultural biotechnology), and he chairs the ISO committee TC34/SC16 (Biomarkers) and the Cereals & Grains Association Molecular Biomarkers for Grain Technical Committee.
Guomin Shan received a bachelor's degree in pesticide chemistry and a master's degree in environmental toxicology from Beijing Agricultural University, China. In 1997, he received a PhD degree in entomology from Louisiana State University. After graduating, Guomin spent 4 years at the University of California, Davis as a postdoctoral fellow and a research scientist. He joined Dow AgroSciences LLC in 2001, where the focus of his career has been on transgenic traits and animal health product research and development. At Dow, he has served various leadership positions, including technical leader, science leader, seeds regulatory business partner, and global regulatory leader. Currently, he is the leader of the Predictive Safety Center in Corteva Crop Protection Regulatory Science.