"The efforts of Nicol s N£¤ez and his theatre group have a special interest which I would dare to call essential: re-discovering the inspiration of ancient rituals."
"I have the assurance of Nicol s N£¤ez's special capacities in Theatre and the Rite Research field."
1. Tibetan Theatre2. Nahuatlan Theatre 3. Western Theatre: Stanislavski, Brecht, The Old Vic, Strasberg, Grotowski 4. Anthropocosmic Theatre A Guide
Nichos Nunez (Author) is the Founder and Director of the Taller de Investigacion Teatral (Theatre Rsearch Workshop). Ronan Fitzsimons (Translated by), and Deborah Middleton (Edited by) are both lecturers in the School of Music and Humanities at the University of Huddersfield.