1.1.3 Relationship between Anechoic Chamber and Reverberation Chamber
1.2 Organisation of This Book
Chapter 2: Theory for Anechoic Chamber Design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Absorbing Material Basics
2.2.1 General Knowledge
2.2.2 Absorbing Material Simulation
2.2.3 Absorbing Material Measurement
2.3 CEM Algorithms Overview
2.4 GO Theory
2.4.1 GO from Maxwell Equations
2.4.2 Analytical Expression of Reflected Field from Curved Surface
2.4.3 Alternative GO Form
2.5 GO–FEM Hybrid Method
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3: Computer Aided Anechoic Chamber Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Framework
3.3 Software Implementation
3.3.1 3D Model Description
3.3.2 Algorithm Complexities
3.3.3 Far–field Data
3.3.4 Boundary Condition
3.3.5 RAM Description
3.3.6 Forward Algorithm
3.3.7 Inverse Algorithm
3.3.8 Post Processing
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4: Anechoic Chamber Design Examples and Verifications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Normalised Site Attenuation
4.2.1 NSA Definition
4.2.2 NSA Simulation and Measurement
4.3 Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
4.3.1 SVSWR Definition
4.3.2 SVSWR Simulation and Measurement
4.4 Field Uniformity
4.4.1 FU Definition
4.4.2 FU Simulation and Measurement
4.5 Design Margin
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Reverberation Chamber
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Resonant Cavity Model
5.3 Ray Model
5.4 Statistical Electromagnetics
5.4.1 Plane–Wave Spectrum Model
5.4.2 Field Correlations
5.4.3 Boundary Fields
5.4.4 Enhanced Back Scattering Effect
5.4.5 Loss Mechanism
5.4.6 Probability Distribution Functions
5.5 Figures of Merit
5.5.1 Field Uniformity
5.5.2 Lowest Usable Frequency
5.5.3 Correlation Coefficient and Independent Sample Number
5.5.4 Field Anisotropy Coefficients and Inhomogeneity Coefficients
5.5.5 Stirring Ratio
5.5.6 K Factor
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6: The Design of a Reverberation Chamber
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design Guidelines
6.3 Simulation of the RC
6.4 Time Domain Characterisation of the RC
6.4.1 Statistical Behaviour in the Time Domain
6.4.2 Stirrer Efficiency Based on Total Scattering Cross Section
6.4.3 Time–Gating Technique
6.5 Duality Principle in the RC
6.6 The Limit of ACS and TSCS
6.7 A Design Example
6.8 Summary
Chapter 7: Measurements in the Reverberation Chamber
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Q Factor and Decay Constant
7.3 Radiated Immunity Test
7.4 Radiated Emission Measurement
7.5 Free–Space Antenna S–parameter Measurement
7.6 Antenna Radiation Efficiency Measurement
7.6.1 Reference Antenna Method
7.6.2 Non–Reference Antenna Method
7.7 MIMO Antenna and Channel Emulation
7.7.1 Diversity Gain Measurement
7.7.2 Total Isotropic Sensitivity Measurement
7.7.3 Channel Capacity Measurement
7.7.4 Doppler Effect
7.8 Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement
7.8.1 Theory
7.8.2 Simulations and Measurements
7.8.3 Discussion and Error Analysis
7.9 Material Measurements
7.9.1 Absorption Cross Section
7.9.2 Average Absorption Coefficient
7.9.3 Permittivity
7.9.4 Material Shielding Effectiveness
7.10 Cavity Shielding Effectiveness Measurement
7.11 Volume Measurement
7.12 Summary
Chapter 8 Measurement Uncertainty in the Reverberation Chamber
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Procedure for Uncertainty Characterisation
8.3 Uncertainty Model
8.3.1 ACF Method
8.3.2 DoF Method
8.3.3 Comparison of ACF and DoF Methods
8.3.4 Semi–empirical Model
8.4 Measurement Uncertainty of Antenna Efficiency
8.5 Summary
Chapter 9 Inter–comparison between Antenna Radiation Efficiency Measurements Performed in an Anechoic Chamber and in a Reverberation Chamber
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Measurement Facilities and Setups
9.2.1 Anechoic Chamber
9.2.2 Reverberation Chamber
9.3 Antenna Efficiency Measurements
9.3.1 Theory
9.3.2 Comparison between the AC and the RC
9.4 Summary
Chapter 10: Discussion on Future Applications
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Anechoic Chamber
10.3 Reverberation Chamber
Appendix A Code Snippets
Appendix B Reference NSA Values
Appendix C Test Report Template
Appendix D Typical Bandpass Filters
Appendix E Compact Reverberation Chamber at NUAA
Appendix F Relevant Statistics
Dr. Qian Xu, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.Prof. Yi Huang, DPhil, is Chair of Wireless Engineering, the Head of High Frequency Engineering Group and the Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, The University of Liverpool, UK.