Analytical Methodology of Tree Microstrip Interconnects Modelling for Signal Distribution: Voltage Transfer Function and S-Parameter Analyses » książka
General introduction.- Basic analysis of Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) PCB interconnect structure.- Discrete periodical model of microstrip line with cascaded elementary L-cells.- Modelling of the signal delay induced by PCB interconnect SISO structure.- Analytical modelling methodology of Single-Input Multiple Output (SIMO) symmetric tree interconnects by using lumped element L-cell.- Symmetric tree interconnects modelling with elementary distributed RC-line.- Z/Y/T/S-matrices modelling of symmetric SIMO structure based on elementary distributed RLC-cell.- Z/Y/T/S-matrices analysis of non-symmetric SIMO tree based on elementary distributed element.- Cartographical analyses of reflection and transmission coefficients of shunt coupled lines.- Analytical modelling of interbranch coupling effect on coupled microstrip tree PCB interconnects.- Temperature effect analysis on microstrip structure.- General conclusion.
Dr. Blaise Ravelo is currently an Associate Professor at the Graduate Engineering School, ESIGELEC located in Rouen, France. His research interest is focused on:
- the design of RF/microwave circuits for wireless communication system,
- development and applications of negative group delay (NGD) circuits,
- the electrical RF/mixed circuit interconnect modelling for signal and power integrity (SI/PI) analysis,
- EM near-field scanning and modelling, electromagnetic compatibility/interference (EMC/EMI), and Multiphysics system engineering/modelling.
He is a pioneer of the development of NGD concept. Dr. Ravelo received the Dipl.-Ing. Degree in electronic engineering from the University of Antsiranana, Madagascar, in 2000. He received the Professional/Research Sci. Master degrees, and the Ph.D. degrees from Brest University, Brest, France, in 2004, 2005, and 2008, respectively. He hold his degree of dissertation to lead researches (“HDR: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”) from the Univ. of Rouen in 2012.
Dr. Ravelo is regularly involved and initiated to participate and to lead national and international research projects (FP7, INTERREG, ANR, FUI, H2020, Euripides, Eurostars) on the electronic, microwave and EMC engineering. He is (co)author of more than 210 papers published in international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He co-supervised and directed 9 PhD students whose 6 PhD candidates defended.
This book focuses on the modelling methodology of microstrip interconnects, discussing various structures of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) tree interconnects for signal integrity (SI) engineering. Further, it describes lumped and distributed transmission line elements based on single-input single-output (SIMO) models of symmetric and asymmetric trees, and investigates more complicated phenomenon, such as interbranch coupling. The modelling approaches are based on the analytical methods using the Z-, Y- and T-matrices. The established method enables the S-parameters and voltage transfer function of SIMO tree to be determined. Providing illustrative results with frequency and time domain analyses for each tree interconnect structure, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in fields of analogue, RF/microwave, digital and mixed circuit design, SI and manufacturing engineering.