Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Through its compelling analyses by distinguished scholars, this latest addition to the esteemed series on music by women composers will surely inspire readers to listen to, perform, and teach the exceptional works that its authors present with such care.
Laurel Parsons is Full Teaching Professor of Music Theory and Co-ordinator of Aural Skills at the University of Alberta. Her research interests focus on the music of British composer Elisabeth Lutyens, Danish composer Else Marie Pade, and aural skills pedagogy related to post-secondary students with learning differences. From 2012-15 she chaired the Society for Music Theory's Committee on the Status of Women.
Brenda Ravenscroft is Professor of Music Theory and Dean of the Schulich School of Music at McGill University. Her research focuses on post-tonal American music, text and music, rhythmic organization, and pedagogy. She chaired the Society for Music Theory's Committee on the Status of Women from 2006 to 2009.