Part I. A Sketch of the Buddha and the Dhamma: 1. The life of Siddhattha Gotama; 2. The contexts for the emergence of Buddhism; 3. The basic teachings of the Buddha; 4. One Buddhism or many Buddhisms?; Part II. Details of the Dhamma; 5. Kamma, Samsara, and rebirth; 6. Interdependent arising; 7. Impermanence, no-enduring-self, and emptiness; 8. Moksa and Nibbana; Part III. Development of the Dhamma/Dharma: 9. Bodhidharma's and Huineng's Buddhisms; 10. Pure Land Buddhism ; 11. Tibetan Buddhism; 12. Two forms of contemporary Buddhism; Part IV. Applications and Assessment of the Dhamma/Dharma: 13. Applied Buddhist Ethics or Engaged Buddhism; 14. Buddhist Epistemology and Buddhist Meditation.