Preface ixAcknowledgements xiAbout the Companion Website xiii1 Introduction to Dental Anatomy 12 Armamentarium 5Part I Carving 113 Pre-carving Preparation of Wax Blocks 134 Anatomical Landmarks 155 Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor 236 Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor 397 Permanent Mandibular Central Incisor 518 Permanent Mandibular Lateral Incisor 639 Permanent Maxillary Canine 6910 Permanent Mandibular Canine 8511 Permanent Maxillary First Premolar 8912 Permanent Maxillary Second Premolar 10513 Permanent Mandibular First Premolar 11114 Permanent Mandibular Second Premolar 12515 Permanent Maxillary First Molar 13916 Permanent Maxillary Second Molar 15717 Permanent Mandibular First Molar 16518 Permanent Mandibular Right Second Molar 181Part II Wax-Up Technique 19319 Waxing of the Maxillary Right Central Incisor 19520 Waxing of the Permanent Mandibular Right Central Incisor 20321 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Left Canine 20722 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Left First Premolar 21323 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Right First Molar 22124 Waxing of the Permanent Mandibular Right First Molar 229Index 237
ABOUT THE AUTHORANIL BANGALORE SHIVAPPA is Lecturer at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Diagnostic Sciences, College of Dentistry, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.