ISBN-13: 9781635010893 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 50 str.
In children, education is a marriage between academic structure and sensual inspiration. Playing recruits their natural powers of imagination and reduces boredom or resistance. As an inherent avenue to assimilate the overwhelming amount of data received daily, playing emulates the skills they will need in the future. Indeed, creating examples of rivalry and agreement through active participation and visualization captures the essence of playtime and capitalizes on their interpretation of battle. American history is writ in conflict, survival, and success; and fundamental to this history is the contribution of the Founding Fathers, who forged independence, framed the Constitution, and paved the path to freedom. Analogous to these lessons are those of children. A Color Picture Book on the American Founding Fathers combines the structures of learning while simultaneously creating an interactive scenario of conflict and resolution.