ISBN-13: 9783319681023 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 482 str.
ISBN-13: 9783319681023 / Angielski / Twarda / 2017 / 482 str.
This interdisciplinary book covers a wide range of subjects, from pure mathematics (knots, braids, homotopy theory, number theory) to more applied mathematics (cryptography, algebraic specification of algorithms, dynamical systems) and concrete applications (modeling of polymers and ionic liquids, video, music and medical imaging).
- Knot invariants – framization of knot algebras
- Poly-free groups, Lie algebras, braid groups and homotopy groups of spheres
Chapter 2: Algebraic Modeling of Applications
- Topological study of polymer entanglements
- Molecular simulation of ionic liquids- Dynamical systems and topological surgery
Chapter 3: Algebraic Modeling of Computational Structures
- Modeling based on algebraic specifications
- Algebraic techniques for the modeling of video
- Cryptography and coding theory
- Applications in medical imaging
Contributed talks in the Thales Workshop, 1-3 July 2015
Elements of Khovanov Homology
University of Illinois at Chicago
Word problem for virtual braid groups
Luis ParisUniv. Bourgogne Franche-Comte, F-21000 Dijon, France
A new skein invariant for classical links from the Yokonuma-Hecke algebras
Sofiaa Lambropoulou
National Technical University of Athens
Classification of Markov traces on Yokonuma-Hecke algebras
L. Poulain d'Andecy
Universite de Reims
Framization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra
Dimos Goundaroulis
National Technical University of Athens
Quotient algebras of mixed braid groups with two fixed strands
Dimitrios Kodokostas
National Technical University of Athens
Representation theory of framisations of knot algebras
M. Chlouveraki
ite de Versailles
The HOMFLYPT skein module of the lens spaces L(p
,1)Maciej Mroczkowski (joint work with Bostjan Gabrovsek)Institute of Mathematics, University of Gdansk
The isomorphism function from S3(L(p,1)) to the free module
Bostjan Gabrovsek (joint work with Maciej Mroczkowski)
FME, University of Ljubljana
The Homflypt skein module of L(p,1) via braids
Ioannis Diamantis and Sofiaa Lambropoulou
National Technical University of Athens
Infinite loop spaces, Steenrod, Dyer-Lashof and Dickson algebras
Nondas Kechagias
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina
2: Algebraic Modeling of Applications
Entanglements in Molecular Simulations of Polymers
Christos Tzoumanekas, Stefanos D. Anogiannakis, Georgios G. Vogiatzis, and Doros N. Theodorou
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technic
al University of Athens
Models of Knotting and Linking in P
olymeric Systems/p>K
enneth C. MillettUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
A study of the entanglement in systems of curves with Periodic Boundary Conditions
E Panagiotou
University of California, Santa Barbara
Threading of ring poly(ethylene oxide) molecules by linear chains or other rings in the melt: molecular dynamics simulations followed by a geometric analysis
Dimitrios Tsalikis, Vlasis Mavrantzas
University of Patras
Chain Size and Shape Dependence of the Tendency for Entanglement in Linear Polymer Melts
Christos Tzoumanekas, Stefanos D. Anogiannakis and Doros N. Theodorou
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Extending Topological Surgery to Natural Processes
Sofia Lambropoulou and Stathis Antoniou
National Technical University of Gr
Molecular Simulation of Ion
ic Liquids: Structure, Dynamics and Permeability Properties Niki Vergadou1 and Eleni Androulaki1 and Ioannis G. Economou1,21National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Molecular Thermodynamics and Modelling of Materials Laboratory and 2Texas A&M University at Qatar, Chemical Engineering Program, Education City, PO Box 23874, Doha, Qatar
On (p-)almost direct products and residual properties of pure braid groups of surfaces
P. Bellingeri
Laboratoire Nicolas Oresme ESPE de Basse Normandie Universit de Caen
3: Algebraic Modeling of Computational Structures
On Algebraic Modeling of Computational Structures
Petros Stefaneas
National Technical University of Athens
Chemlambda, universality and self-multipli
cationLouis H. K
sity of Illinois at Chicago
Towards the integration of Athena with CafeOBJ using tool support
Konstantine Arkoudas1, Katerina Ksystra2, Nikos Triantafyllou2, and Petros Stefaneas21Bloomberg R & D, U.S.A., 2National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Cafe2JML: Integrating Behavioral Algebraic Speci_cations with Design by Contract
Nikolaos Triantafyllou and Petros Stefaneas
National Technical University of Athens
Towards Formal Open Standards: the Case of RSS
Konstantinos Barlas1 and Eleni Berki2 Petros Stefaneas1 and George Koletsos1
1National Technical University of Athens and 2University of Tampere
Fixed Point Logics as Institutions
Kiouvrekis Yiannis, Stefaneas P
etrosNational T
echnical University of Athensp>
Syntax, Se
mantics and the Formalisation of Scientific TheoriesNicola Angius1, Maria Dimarogona2 and Petros Stefaneas2
1University of Sassari, Italy
2National Technical University of Athens
Composition of Specification Modules: recent developments
Razvan Diaconescu
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania
On Operators at Classes of Structures
S. V. Sudoplatov
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.
An algebraic approach to pictures
S. Bozapalides
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thoughts on IT Investment Analysis
A. Alencar
The Tércio Pacitti Institute Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
The way to universal logic
J. Bezi
nstructing Class InvariantsArist
ides KontogeorgisDepartment
of Mathematics, University of AthensPoster Session
A Categorical Model for the Virtual Braid Group
L. H. Kauffman1, S. Lambropoulou2
1University of Illinois at Chicago, 2National Technical University of Athens
N. Gugumcu1, L. H. Kauffman2, S. Lambropoulou1
1National Technical University of Athens, 2University of Illinois at Chicago
p-adic framed braids
J. Juyumaya1, S. Lambropoulou2
1Universidad de Valparaiso, 2National Technical University of Athens
The Juyumaya-Lambropoulou classical link invariants from the Yokonuma-Hecke algebras
M. Chlouveraki1
, J. Juyumaya2, K. Karvounis3, S. Lambropoulou41Universite de Versai
lles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2Universidad de Valparaiso, 3Universitat Zurich, 4National Technical University of Athens
Markov trace on the bt-algebra and tied links
F. Aicardi1, J. Juyumaya2
1International School for Advanced Studies, 2Universidad de Valparaiso
Framization of the Temperley-Lieb algebra
D. Goundaroulis
National Technical University of Athens
Braid equivalences in 3-manifolds with rational surgery description
I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou
National Technical University of Athens
A new basis for the Homypt skein module of the solid torus
I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou
National Technical University of Athens
The Isomorphism Conjecture for Subgrou
ps of Aut(Fn) – Equivariant and Stratified Rigidity of Quasitoric ManifoldsV.
Metaftsis, E. PrassidisUniversity of the Aegean
Loop spaces, Steenrod, Dyer-Lashof, Dickson algebras
N. Kechagias
University of Ioannina
Constructing Class Invariants
A. Kontogeorgis
University of Athens
The linking number in systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions
E. Panagiotou1, S. Lambropoulou2, C. Tzoumanekas2, D. N. Theodorou2
1University of California, Santa Barbara, 2National Technical University of Athens
Extending Topological Surgery to Natural Processes
S. Lambropoulou, S. Antoniou
National Technical University of Athens
An Algebraic Framework for the Verification of Context-aware Adaptive Systems
K. Ksystr
a, P. Stefaneas, P. FrangosNational Techn
ical University of AthensTowards Formal Open Standards: the Case of RSS v2.0
K. Barlas1, E. Berki2, P. Stefaneas1, G. Koletsos1
1National Technical University of Athens, 2University of Tampere
Towards formal representation and comparison of video content using algebraic semiotics
N. Triantafyllou1, K. Ksystra1, P. Stefaneas1, A. Kalampakas2
1National Technical University of Athens, 2American University of the Middle East
Applications to medical imaging
E. Karali
National Technical University of AthensThis interdisciplinary book covers a wide range of subjects, from pure mathematics (knots, braids, homotopy theory, number theory) to more applied mathematics (cryptography, algebraic specification of algorithms, dynamical systems) and concrete applications (modeling of polymers and ionic liquids, video, music and medical imaging). The main mathematical focus throughout the book is on algebraic modeling with particular emphasis on braid groups.
The research methods include algebraic modeling using topological structures, such as knots, 3-manifolds, classical homotopy groups, and braid groups. The applications address the simulation of polymer chains and ionic liquids, as well as the modeling of natural phenomena via topological surgery. The treatment of computational structures, including finite fields and cryptography, focuses on the development of novel techniques. These techniques can be applied to the design of algebraic specifications for systems modeling and verification.
This book is the outcome of a workshop in connection with the research project Thales on Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, held at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in July 2015. The reader will benefit from the innovative approaches to tackling difficult questions in topology, applications and interrelated research areas, which largely employ algebraic tools.
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