Around the Mordell conjecture for function fields and a conjecture of Serge Lang.- Finiteness, duality, and Künneth theorems in the cohomology of the De Rham Witt complex.- De Rham cohomology of algebraic surfaces with q=?pa in char. p.- Cohomologie de De Rham, cohomologie cristalline et representations p-adiques.- Class field theory and algebraic K-theory.- Geometrie microlocale.- Vanishing cycle sheaves and holonomic systems of differential equations.- Vanishing cycles over a base of dimension ?1.- Sur la catégorie dérivées des D-modules filtrés.- Quelques remarques sur la transformation de Fourier dans l’anneau de Chow d’une variété abélienne.- Transcendental cycles on Hilbert modular surfaces.- Algebraic cycles on a certain hypersurface.- Hironaka group schemes and resolution of singularities.- Condition de Jung four les revêtements radiciels de hauteur 1.- The uniruledness of the moduli space of curves of genus 11.- A remark on variation of the Hodge structure on curves.- Singularities of the curve of jumping lines of a vector bundle of rank 2 on ?2.- Hirzebruch’s examples of surfaces of general type with c1 2=3c2.- Characterization of two lines on a projective plane.- On the affine-ruledness of algebraic varieties.- Minimal rational threefolds.- Vanishing theorems for semipositive line bundles.- Proceedings of the conference on algebraic geometry held at La Rabida.