On regular and stable ruled surfaces in P3.- Appendix to "On regular and stable ruled surfaces in P3".- Configurations of linear projective subvarieties.- Plane sections of arthmetically normal curves in ?3.- Sur les lacunes d'Halphen.- Some results on the codimension-two Chow group of the moduli space of stable curves.- Restrictions of linear series to hyperplanes, and some results of Macaulay and Gotzmann.- La Rationalité des schémas de Hilbert de courbes gauches rationnelles suivant Katsylo.- Cohérence et dualité sur le gros site de Zariski.- Nouvelles fonctions constructibles et rang des images directes.- Generating six skew lines in ?3.- Liaison of families of subschemes in Pn..- On curves on K 3 surfaces.- Gonality and Hilbert schemes of smooth curves.- Geometry of complete cuspidal plane cubics.- Unobstructed arithmetically Buchsbaum curves.- On the Néron-Severi groups of the surfaces of special divisors.- Deformations of maps.- Green's conjecture for general P-gonal curves of large genus.- On rank-1 degenerations of abelian varieties.- Sur une conjecture de Griffiths et Harris.- Open problems.