Foreword xiAbdenacer MAKHLOUFChapter 1. Jordan Superalgebras 1Consuelo MARTINEZ and Efim ZELMANOVChapter 2. Composition Algebras 27Alberto ELDUQUEChapter 3. Graded-Division Algebras 59Yuri BAHTURIN, Mikhail KOCHETOV and Mikhail ZAICEVChapter 4. Non-associative C*-algebras 111Ángel RODRÍGUEZ PALACIOS and Miguel CABRERA GARCÍAChapter 5. Structure of H*-algebras 155José Antonio CUENCA MIRAChapter 6. Krichever-Novikov Type Algebras: Definitions and Results 199Martin SCHLICHENMAIERChapter 7. An Introduction to Pre-Lie Algebras 245Chengming BAIChapter 8. Symplectic, Product and Complex Structures on 3-Lie Algebras 275Yunhe SHENG and Rong TANGChapter 9. Derived Categories 321Bernhard KELLERList of Authors 347Index 349
Abdenacer Makhlouf is a Professor and head of the mathematics department at the University of Haute Alsace, France. His research covers structure, representation theory, deformation theory and cohomology of various types of algebras, including non-associative algebras, Hopf algebras and n-ary algebras.