ISBN-13: 9781930744219 / Angielski
"El fin de esta antologia es mostrar, mediante la apreciacion de algunos criticos contemporaneos, la actualidad del pensamiento de Reyes, su papel dentro de los debates sobre el latinoamericanismo y reivindicar su papel dentro de los campos de reflexion occidental y regional. La seleccion de autores es representativa en varios sentidos: lecturas provenientes tanto del ambito nacional como del continental; de criticos en las academias de America latina, Estados Unidos y Europa; textos de autores especializados en la obra de Reyes y de no especialistas que reflexionan sobre su papel en campos de investigacion afines; estudios de la obra de Reyes desde teoria literaria, los estudios culturales, el poscolonialismo y los estudios transatlanticos." Adela Pineda Franco e Ignacio M. Sanchez Prado Colaboran: Sebastiaan Faber | Santiago Castro Gomez | Ignacio M. Sanchez Prado | Rafael Guitierrez Girardot | Robert T. Conn | Amelia Barili | Evodio Escalante | Rose Corral | Joshua Lund | Elizabeth Monasterios | Margo Glantz | Marcela del Rio Reyes | Adolfo Castanon | Arturo Davila | Carlos Montemayor | Roberto Fernandez Retamar ~ "The purpose of this anthology is to show, through the appreciation of various contemporary critics, the relevance of Reyes' thought, his role within the debates on Latin-Americanism and to claim his role within western and regional fields of thought. The selection of authors is representative in various ways: readings from both national and continental domains; from critics in the academies of Latin America, the United States and Europe; texts by authors specialised in the work of Reyes and by non-specialists who reflect on his role in related research fields; studies of Reyes's work from literary theory, cultural studies, post-colonialism and transatlantic studies." Adela Pineda Franco and Ignacio M. Sanchez Prado Contributors: Sebastiaan Faber | Santiago Castro Gomez | Ignacio M. Sanchez Prado | Rafael Guitierrez Girardot | Robert T. Conn | Amelia Barili | Evodio Escalante | Rose Corral | Joshua Lund | Elizabeth Monasterios | Margo Glantz | Marcela del Rio Reyes | Adolfo Castanon | Arturo Davila | Carlos Montemayor | Roberto Fernandez Retamar