Section I: Background and Overview 1. An overview of taxonomic and morphological diversity in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea: Echinodermata) 2. Perspectives on sea cucumber knowledge syntheses 3. A journal dedicated to holothuroids: the SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin Section II: Sociology 4. The McDonaldization of the Sea Cucumber: Changes in Foodways of an Ancient Delicacy in Northeastern Asia 5. Sea cucumbers in Chinese daily life 6. Beyond beche-de-mer : sea cucumber in non-traditional food products, health supplements, and biotechnology 7. Mystery, Muse, Monster: Sea cucumbers in popular culture 8. Women in sea cucumber fisheries and aquaculture - can we make their participation equal and fair? 9. Artisanal processing and consumption of sea cucumbers: stories from the Philippines and Fiji Islands 10. Importance of sea cucumber fisheries and trade for small island communities: a case study in Papua New Guinea 11. Aspects of the Relationship between the Giant Red Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus californicus, and the Indigenous People of the Northwest Coast of North America 12. Perspectives on sea cucumber use and research in the Canadian Arctic with special attention to Sanikiluaq (Qikiqtait, Nunavut) 13. Sea cucumber crime Section III: Biology 14. Knowledge of biodiversity and reproduction in sea cucumbers from southern South America to Antarctic Peninsula 15. Adult fission as an auxiliary reproductive mode in holothuroids, with a detailed look at Holothuria atra and Stichopus chloronotus 16. Morphological diversity, development, and biology of sea cucumber larvae 17. Biology and ecology of wild juvenile sea cucumbers: what do we know? 18. A preliminary survey and analysis of beaching events involving sea cucumbers 19. Autotomy (evisceration) and regeneration of dendrochirotid sea cucumbers 20. Locomotor, feeding, and reproductive behaviours of sea cucumbers with a focus on Apostichopus japonicus 21. Swimming sea cucumbers 22. Glowing sea cucumbers: Bioluminescence in the Holothuroidea 23. Diversity of coelomocytes in the class Holothuroidea 24. Vibratile cells and hemocytes in sea cucumbers - clarification and new paradigms Section IV: Ecology 25. Chemical ecology of sea cucumber reproduction 26. Decorator sea cucumbers: an overview of epibiotic associates of Holothuria floridana and H. mexicana 27. Adaptations of pearlfish (Carapidae) to their life inside sea cucumbers 28. Sediment processing: the foremost ecological role of tropical deposit-feeding sea cucumbers 29. Gut microbiota of sea cucumbers, with a focus on Apostichopus japonicus 30. Sea cucumbers under ocean acidification and warming 31. Sea cucumbers in a high temperature and low dissolved oxygen world: an overview focusing on Apostichopus japonicus 32. Sea cucumber response to microplastic pollution Section V: Research & Development 33. Exploring body-size metrics in sea cucumbers through a literature review and case study of the commercial dendrochirotid Cucumaria frondosa 34. Apostichopus japonicus colour morphs: physiology and molecular regulation mechanisms 35. Neuropeptides and neuroendocrine signaling systems in sea cucumbers 36. Mutable collagenous tissues in sea cucumbers 37. Novel biomaterials and biotechnological applications derived from North Atlantic sea cucumbers: A systematic review 38. Sea cucumbers and cheese making: exploring the use of milk coagulant obtained from the digestive tract of Holothuria scabra 39. Sea cucumber aquaculture start-up experience: the case of the Maldives 40. Diversifying sea cucumber aquaculture in the Caribbean: the promising example of Holothuria floridana in Panama, Mexico, and Belize 41. Role of sea cucumbers as an ecosystem service in land-based aquaculture Section VI: Species and Their Exploitation Around the World 42. Biology, ecology, aquaculture, and commercial products of Apostichopus californicus 43. Ensuring long term sustainability of the fishery for Apostichopus californicus in British Colombia (Canada) through collaborative science and adaptive management 44. Dynamic history and status of fisheries for the sea cucumbers Apostichopus californicus and A. parvimensis on the west coast of the United States of America 45. Can cucumber fisheries be sustainable? The Mexican case study 46. Aquaculture of the chocolate chip sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus in Yucatan, Mexico: progress and challenges 47. Sea cucumber fisheries in Northern Europe 48. Mediterranean sea cucumbers: biology, ecology and exploitation 49. History of the fishery and aquaculture of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus in Russia 50. Ecology and culture of the warty sea cucumber (Stichopus cf. horrens) in the Philippines 51. Future prospects for sea cucumber mariculture in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands