Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Agricultural property: qualifying property
Chapter 3: Agricultural property: agricultural value, the rates of relief, occupation and other aspects
Chapter 4: Agricultural property: areas of particular concern
Chapter 5: Business property: property qualifying for the relief
Chapter 6: Business property: the rates of relief, limitations to the relief
Chapter 7: Relevant business property: exceptions to the relief: excepted assets
Chapter 8: Relevant business property: aspects of valuation and the treatment of liabilities
Chapter 9: Relevant business property: exceptions to the relief: ‘wholly or mainly holding investments’
Chapter 10: Clawback
Chapter 11: Woodlands
Chapter 12: Overlap of APR and BPR
Chapter 13: Tax shelters
Chapter 14: General planning points
Chapter 15: Will planning
Chapter 16: APR and BPR: the new regime
Chapter 17: Heritage property: what qualifies, undertakings and access
Chapter 18: Heritage property: application for exemption and variation of undertakings
Chapter 19: Heritage property: loss of the exemption
Chapter 20: Heritage property: the regime for relevant property trusts
Chapter 21: Maintenance funds
Chapter 22: Compliance
Chapter 23: Payment of IHT
Appendix 1: Legislation
Appendix 2: Statutory Instruments
Appendix 3: Extra Statutory Concessions
Appendix 4: Inland Revenue Statements
Appendix 5: Revenue and other press releases
Appendix 6: Forms used in IHT 100 and 400
Appendix 7: Immensee Farm: a case study
Appendix 8: Heritage property: the old rules