Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 12th International Conference, Icaart 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 22-24, 2020, Revised Selected Papers » książka
Herd Behavior is Sufficient to Reproduce Human Evacuation Decisions During the Great East Japan Earthquake.- Intelligent Local Energy Communities: A Multiagent System Approach.- A Game-theoretical Incentive Mechanism for Local Energy Communities.- On the Combination of Game-Theoretic Learning and Multi Model Adaptive Filters.- Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems for the Multi-Target-Coverage Problem.- A Dynamic Scheduling Multiagent System for Truck Dispatching in Open-Pit Mines.- Time Matters: Exploring the Effects of Urgency and Reaction Speed in Automated Traders.- Cost-Sensitive Semi-Supervised Classification for Fraud Applications.- Blending NLP and Machine Learning for the Development of Winograd Schemas.- Cognitive Map Query Language for Temporal Domains.- Choose Your Words Wisely: Leveraging Embedded Dialog Trajectories to Enhance Performance in Open-Domain Conversations.- Heuristic Learning in Domain-independent Planning: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation.- Knowledge Injection to Neural Networks with Progressive Learning Strategy.- A Scalable and Automated Machine Learning Framework to Support Risk Management.- Designing New Data Replication Strategies Automatically.- Trading Bias for Expressivity in Artificial Learning.- A Multi-Modal Audience Engagement Measurement System.- Learning Latent Variable Models with Discriminant Regularization.- Continuous Multi-Agent Path Finding via Satisfiability Modulo Theories.- Unsupervised Feature Value Selection Based on Explainability.- Reducing the Need for Manual Annotated Datasets in Aspect Sentiment Classification by Transfer Learning and Weak-Supervision.- Quantifying Gaze-Based Strategic Patterns in Physics Vector Field Divergence.- Economic and Food Safety: Optimized Inspection Routes Generation.