"This book presents a comprehensive survey covering all important milestones from the early post-World War II period until the first half of the 1970s from the perspective of a 'smaller' country in the Soviet bloc caught in the vortex of the Cold War. It will be a valuable source of information for English-reading students of Central Europe's recent history."-Jakub Drábik,Masaryk University, Brno "This study represents an important addition to different perspectives on the Cold War period. From both an interpretative point of view and the standpoint of the need for new empirical evidence, the study is a welcome new contribution. The book conveys new information from the archives, otherwise less accessible for foreign researchers, including documents from Czech and Slovak archives that are abundantly used."-Zuzana Polacková, Zuzana Polacková, Webster University
Dr Slavomír Michálek is Director of the Institute of History at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. He is author or editor of, among other books, San Francisco 1945 (VEDA 2015), Gustáv Husák (VEDA 2013), 20 rokov samostatnej Slovenskej republiky (20 Years of Independent Slovakia, VEDA 2013), Za hranicou sloboda (Behind the Border, there Is Freedom, VEDA 2013) and Dubcek (VEDA 2018). Dr Michal Stefanský worked at the Institute of Military History in Bratislava as well as Institutes of Political Science and History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In 1989, he was a member of the government commission for the historical analysis of the years 1967-1970. He is author of, among other books, Studená vojna a Slovensko 1946-1954/1955-1962 (The Cold War and Slovakia, VEDA 2008/2012) and Krízy rezimov sovietskeho bloku (The Crises of the Soviet Bloc Regimes, VEDA 2007).