PART I: Questions, Who is Addressing Them, and How
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Abnormal of the Afghan War on Terror
PART II: Why Does Postcolonial Security Care About Herat?
Chapter II: Mapping Out Tools of Critique: A Conceptual Framework
Chapter III: Spaces and Forces of Pacification and Containment
PART III: Power over Heratis and Resistances to It: Three Case Studies
Chapter IV: How Pacified Heratis “Milk the Cow”: Nonviolent Resistances to Global Security
Chapter V: Banished by Culture, Violated in Its Midst: Managing Musalla’s Homeless between Minarets, Development, and Security
Chapter VI: Experiencing Self as the Periphery: Heratis at the Iranian-Afghan Border
PART IV: Conclusion
Chapter VII: On Postcolonial Power Equilibria