ISBN-13: 9783540894643 / Angielski / Twarda / 2009 / 2284 str.
ISBN-13: 9783540894643 / Angielski / Twarda / 2009 / 2284 str.
"Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering - Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS" discusses some serious problems of sustainable development of human society related to water resources, disaster caused by flooding or draught, environment and ecology, and introduces latest research in river engineering and fluvial processes, estuarine and coastal hydraulics, hydraulic structures and hydropower hydraulics, etc. The proceedings covers new research achievements in the Asian-Pacific region in water resources, environmental ecology, river and coastal engineering, which are especially important for developing countries all over the world. This proceedings serves as a reference for researchers in the field of water resources, water quality, water pollution and water ecology. Changkuan Zhang and Hongwu Tang both are professors at Hohai University, China.
Water Resources and Hydrology.- Distribution of System Deviation in Real Time Correction of Hydraulic Model Combing With Kalman Filter.- Stochastic Modeling and Prediction of the Ganges Flow.- Distributed Water Balance Model in Watershed Coupling with River Dynamic flow Routing Method.- Optimal Determination of the T-Hour Unit Hydrograph by Using Goal Attainment Method.- Sensitivity Analysis of Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models.- Genetic Programming to Forecast Stream Flow.- Constrained Scaling Approach for Design Rainfall Estimation.- Artificial Neural Network Technique for Raingauge Based Rainfall Nowcasing.- Analysis of the Regional Flow Duration Curve for Dongjiang Basin, South China.- Daily Flow Estimation at Ungauged Regions Based on Regional Flow Duration Curves.- Calibration of the Conceptual Rainfall-Run off Model’s Parameters.- Regional Climate Variations in South China Related to Global Climate Change and Local Urbanization.- Flash Flood Hydarologic Processes of a Small Headwater Catchment in Hong Kong.- Application of Vic and A Routing Scheme to Pearl River Basin in South China.- Spatial Interpolation of Rainfall Based on DEM.- A Grid-Based Kinematic Distributed Hydrological Model for Digital River Basin.- Uncertainty on a Short-Term Flood Forecast with Rainfall-Runoff Model.- Study on Safety Proofing of Flood Control in Water System Planning for the New Countryside of Southern Jiangsu.- Numerical Simulation of Flood Estimation for Gis-Based Local Inundation Map.- Analysis on Mass Storm Flood in the Upper Minjiang River Since 1980S.- Numerical Analysis for Evacuation Possibility From Small Underground Space in Urban Flood.- Spatial and Temporal Prediction of Flash Floods in Ungauged Area Based on GIS.- Research of Region Water Security Evaluation by Set Pair Analysis.- Functional Requirements and Deployment Analysis for Multi-Reservoir-Based Flood Control and Management Software System.- Construction of Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Model of Flood Disaster Risk.- Risk Evaluation of the Dahuangpu Flood Detention Area.- Assessment of Safety on Evacuating Route During Underground Flooding.- An Indoor Test for Seepage Characteristic of Crossed Karst Pipe and Fissure.- Numerical Simulation of Upconing and Freshwater Lens Breakage in a Coral Island.- Investigation of Inertial Effect in Simplified Porous Media Flow.- Underground Inundation Analysis by Integrated Urban Flood Model.- Analytical Solution of Groundwater Tidal Response in Estuarine Aquifer.- Groundwater Movement on the Estuarine Deltaic Region of Yangtze River.- Tracing Groundwater With Strontium Isotopic Compositions in the Hexi Corridor Basin, Northwestern China.- Isotopic Exchange of Soil Water in Water Cycle.- Seasonal Change of Groundwater Flow and its Effect on Temperature Distribution in Sendai Plain.- Tentative Hydrologic Soil Classification for Tropical Soils.- Reserach on Inverse Geochemical Simulation of Phreatic Water in Western Jilin Province.- Analysis of Groundwater Function in Western Jilin Province.- Groundwater Numerical Simulation of Multi-Aquifers in Songnen Plain.- The Treatment of Source and Sink Data in Groundwater Numerical Simulation in the North Foot of Tianshan Mountain.- Sequential Prediction of Daily Groundwater Levels by a Neural Network Model Based on Weather Forecasts.- Hydrograph Separations Based on Isotopicchemical Mixing Models.- Site Suitability Analysis for Riverbank Filtration in the Han River, Korea.- Design of Road Surface Drainage Facilities Based on Varied Flow Analysis.- Experimental and Numerical Study on Inundation Flows in Urban Areas.- Experimental and Analytical Study of Hydraulic Fracturing of Cylinder Sample.- Permeability Changes in a Rock Fracture During Coupled Fluid Flow and Chemical Dissolution Processes.- Characteristics of Streamflow Infiltration in the Piedmont Plain of Hebei Province, China.- Estimation of Annual Ground Water Recharge in The Sedimentary Basin of The River Peixe, Paraíba, Brazil.- Numerical Simulation of Urban Waterlogging Disaster Due to Plum Storm.- Development of Dualistic Model for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Haihe River Basin.- The Development and Application of WACM.- Drought and Water Supply Reliability of East River (Dongjiang) Basin in South China.- Connotation of Reservoir sustainable Utilization and Framework of evaluation Index System.- Water Security Scenario Analysis: Methodology and A Case Study.- Regional Low Flow Frequency Analysis Using Bayesian Regression and Prediction at Ungauged Catchment in Korea.- Effects of Gravel and Date-Palm Mulch on Heat Moisture and Salt Movement in a Desert Soil.- The Economic Impacts of Water Shortage During a Drought in Korea: Using Intraregional I-O Analysis.- Evaporativity and Productivity of a New Tubular Solar Still.- Influences of Angstrom’s Coefficients on Estimate of Solar Radiation and Reference Evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith Equation.- A Simple Model to Estimate Wetted Soil Volume from the Trickle by Use of the Dimensional Analysis Technique.- The Replicate Compression Heuristic for Improving Efficiency of Urban Water Supply Headworks Optimization.- Multi-Objective Risk Assessment on Water Resources Optimal Allocation.- Preliminary Evaluation of the Current Level of Flood Water Resource Utilization in the Yellow River Basin.- Study on Cybernetic Model of Optimal Allocation of Water Resources.- Study on Optimal Regulation Modelling of Reservoir Discharge.- Environmental and Ecological Hydraulics.- Flood Flow Analysis During Rising and Falling Stages in a Doubly Meandering Compound Channel.- Study on Evaluation Index and Methods of River Ecosystem Health.- Structure & Function Based Approaches to Reconstructing Urban River System in River Network Area of China.- Modelling of the Riparian Vegetation Dynamics Due to Reservoir Operations Through an Integrated Cellular Automata.- Depth-Avegraged Modeling of Vegetated Open-Channel Flows Using Finite Element Method.- Research on Inactivation of Blue-Green Algae Using Water Hammer Pressure.- Connotation and Evaluation Indicators System of River Health.- Mean and Turbulence Strutures of Open-Channel Flows with Submerged Vegetation.- Study on Reason Why Ayu Migrates From Sea to River.- Planning Methodology of Destratification System in a Reservoir Against Algal Bloom.- Effects of Transmitted Light and Bubbles in Open-Channel Flows on Fish Behaviors.- The Comparison on Water Resources Effect of Typical Soil-Saving Dams in the Loess Plateau.- Effect Assessment of Low Temperature Water in Reservior on the Growth of Wheat.- Edge-Effect of Ecological Riparian Zone.- Study on Turbidity During Flood in Myoginohana Area of Lake Kasumigaura.- Effects of Vegetation Arrangement Pattern on Flow Resistance in an Open Channel.- A Study of Pollutant Mixing and Evaluating of Dispersion Coefficients in Laboratory Meandering Channel.- Derivation of Boundary Condition for Quasi-3D Model of Water Exchange Between Neijiang and the Yangtze River.- Study on the Diagnoses Index System for River Health.- Environmental Hybrid Solution for Energy Optimization in Water Supply Systems.- The Study on General Evaluation of Regional Eco-Environmental Water Demand.- The Extended Kalman Filter for Short Term Prediction of Algal Bloom Dynamics.- Evaluation of Envirnmental Impact of Tigris River Pollution Between Jadirriya and Dora Bridges.- A Study on Impact of Livestock and Poultry Breeding Pollution on Water Environment Safety in Shandong Province.- Environmental Releases in Arid Areas.- Study on Pollution Deduction And Environmental Impact of Water-Saving Irrigation for Paddy Fields.- Web-Based Virtual Environment for Decision Support System in Water Based System.- Entrainment and Shear Instability of Stratified Flow in Curved Flume With 90° Bend.- Experiments on Pollutant Transport of Centerline Discharge into the Braided River.- A Study on Hydrological and Hydraulic Features of Trachidermus Fasciatus Migration.- Numerical Study on Mixing Characteristics of Elliptic Jets in Co-Flow.- An Improved Integral Model For a Round Turbulent Buoyant Jet Based on the Turbulent Measurements.- Equation for Streamwise Variation of Secondary Flow in Sinuous Channels.- Study on Laser Induced Fluorescence in Elliptic Jet.- Observational Analysis of Bubble Plume in Two-Layer Density Stratified Water.- Numerical Simulation of Plane Buoyant Jets with Regular Waves.- Modelling of Dense Jet in Co-Flow and Counter Flow.- 2D Turbulent Jet Study Based on Fluent.- Study on Efficiency of Aeration Type in Biological Aeration Filter on the Sewage Disposal.- Digital Simulation of Dominant Eddies of A Co-Flowing Jet.- Application of Unstructured Cellular Automata on Ecological Modelling.- Developing Flow Region of Axisymmetric Turbulent Jets.- Vorticity Characteristics of Chinese Sturgeon Spawning Ground.- Roughness Coefficient Relations of Open Channel with Flexible Submerged Vegetation.- The Effect of Vegetation Rigidity on Flow Resistance.- Experimental Studies on Aeration Performance of Hydraulic Tunnel Excavation.- Mixing of Coflowing Jets in Rivers.- Ammonium Ion Adsorption on Clays and Sand Under Freshwater and Seawater Conditions.- Study on the Triggering Factors of Algal Bloom in Fuchunjiang Reservoir Based on a Vertically Integrated Hydrodynamic Model.- Modeling of the Sewage Water Distribution in the Sea Near Hanko City of Finland.- Turbulence Modeling of Solute Transport in Open-Channel Flows Over Submerged Vegetation.- 3D Hydro Environmental Model of Dissolved Oxygen Distribution in Yangtze Estuary.- New Approach for Estimation of Pollutant Load by Using Artificial Neural Network.- Numerical Simulation of Improving Water Quality with a Restored Canal at Dongbin Harbor.- Numerical Modeling of Two-Dimensional Pollutnant Transport in Nakdong River.- Two-Dimensional Numerical, Eco-Toxicological Modeling of Chemical Spills.- A Study on Water Quality Modeling of Seonakdong River Using CE-QUAL-RIV1.- Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Water Quality in Yangchenghu Lake.- Biodegradation of Alogenated Anilines in River Water.- Study on the Adsorption of Aniline by Macroreticular Resin.- Flow and Contaminant Transport in A Multiply Connected Domain of Natural River.- Theory and Practice About the Elimination of Salted Fog and Froth by Combining Main Pressure Flow with Assistant Open-Channel Flow.- A Pilot Study for an Enhanced Algal Spatial Pattern Prediction Using RS Images.- Water Quality Forecast of the Tributaries of Three-Gorge Reservoir.- Analysis of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Dahuofang Reservoir Watershed.- Distribution of System Deviation in Real Time Correction of Hydraulic Model Combing with Kalman Filter.- Do-Bod Modeling of River Yamuna Using STREAM-II for NCT Region, India.- Geochemical Evidence of Arsenic Transport in Shallow Ground Water, Bangladesh.- Experimental Research on Solute Transport in Fractured Rock Masses.- Evaluation on the Groundwater Environmental Vulnerability of Jidong County.- Experimental Research on Effect of Tide for Alongshore Groundwater Table.- Groundwater Behaviour in Subsurface Area of Underground Dams.- Fluvial Processes and River Engineering.- Analysis of the Characters of Erosion and Deposition Downstream from the Reservoir.- A Bed form Based Resistance Function for Alluvial Channels from Experimental Data.- Transport Characteristics of Suspended Sediment on Mud Flat in a Tidal Channel.- Fine Sediment Deposition by Floods on the Upstream of a Weir with a Channel Bend.- Local Scour Around Lateral Intakes in 180 Degree Curved Channel.- On the Energy Used for Suspended Sediment by Water in Open-Channels.- Hydraulic Experiments on Waves and Deformation of Mobile Riverbed with Sand Around Narrow Pass.- Statistical Analysis of Bedforms Developed Under Unidirectional Flow.- Numerical Computation of Turbulence Development in Flow Over Sand Dunes.- Statistical Analysis of Collision Between Saltation Particle and Bed Surface.- Bankfull Area Prediction Method Based on Erosion and Sedimentation.- On The Characteristics of Flow Movement in The Bending and Bifurcated River.- Modelling Dynamic Bed Roughness Associated with Bed Form Development.- 2-D Numerical Simulation of Flow in A Curved Open Channel.- Locally-Adaptive Grid System for 3D Numerical Simulation of Meander Migrition.- Improved Method for Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Equations with Confluence.- Trends in Water Runoff and Sediment Load in Selected World’s Rivers.- Effects of Human Activities on Hydrology and Fluvial Process of Boluo Reach of the East River.- A New Estimation Method of Scour Depth in Energy Dissipation of Ski Jump Type.- Wall-Normal Velocity, Turbulent Structures and Sediment Transport.- Simultaneous Measurements of Particle Settling Velocity and Oscillatng-Grid Turbulence.- The Breakup of Armor Layer in a Gravel-Bed Stream with No Sediment Supply.- Longitudinal Dispersion of Particle Motion Over Inclined Rough Plane.- Sediment Carrying Capacity of Open Channel Flow Around Spur Dike.- Study on Riverbed Evolvement of the Four Shoals of Xijiang Middle Reaches in Guangdong Province.- Downstream Grain-Size Variation to Interpret River-Channel Process-form in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River, China.- Current Modeling of Water in a River Meander Considering Civil Engineering Problems in Building the Coastal Walls.- Quasi-3D Solver of Meandering River Flows by CIP-Soroban Scheme in Cylindrical Coordinates with Support of Boundary Fitted Coordinate Method.- Effects of Spur Dike Directions on River Bed Forms and Flow Structures.- Characteristic of Roughness Coefficient Associated with Discharge in Gravel-Bed River.- A Mathematical Model for the Channel Bed Evolution During the Construction of Dongjiang Hydro-Project.- Influence of Near-Bed Coherent Structures on the Entrainment of Bed Gravels.- Flow Structures and Sedimentation Characteristics Around Colony-Type Vegetation at Flood Events.- Influence of Channel Width on the Flood Flows in a Stream Valley.- 1-D and 2-D Simulation of the Flow Around Discontinuous Dyke.- Flood Flow Analysis on Aerial Photos by Image Correlation Method with Support of Stereo Visualization.- Study on the Mathematical Model of Non-Steady Water-Sand Movable Bed of Sedimentation Reservoir.- Strategy of Flood Control in Taihu Basin.- Overflow Characteristics on Grassed Inner Slope Due to Levee Overtopping.- Estimation of Inflow to Inundation Area Due to Levee Breach.- Hydraulic Analysis of Huaihe River Closure for Linhuaigang Flood Control Project.- Propagation Features of the 1998 Big Floods in the Jingjiang Reach of the Yangtze River.- Study on Necessity of Sanyanggang Gate at Estuary of Xinshu River.- Techniques of Water Diversion and Sediment Prevention in Estuary Regions.- Bimodal Sediment Distribution and Its Relation with the River Ecology in the Dadu River Basin.- The Effect and Measure of Water Quality and Sediment Adopting of Fries by Filling With River Flows for the Tianezhou Wetland.- Numerical Simulation of Sediment Movement in Heavy Silt-Laden Forebay.- Vertical 2-D Sediment Numerical Model in Front of Reservoir Dam.- Experimental Study on Changes of Bed Configuration Caused by a Permeable Groyne of Stone Gabion.- The Downcutting of Beijiang River’s Bed and Its Effect on Irrigating Environment.- The Damage and Mechanism of Sediment by Dredging from Irrigation Districts to Environment in the Lower Yellow River.- Adsorption of Phosphorus on Different Sediments.- Experimental Investigation of Phosphorus Release from Haihe River Sediments Capped by Natural Zeolites and Its Modified Ones.- Ecological Impacts of Seabuckthorn in the Pisha Sandstone Area.- Slope Hazard Risk Due to Rainfall Condition In Future.- Influence on “Pdnrbc” by Sediment Concentration on Baishatan Cross Section.- Design of Three Gorges Reservoir Hydrological and Sediment Analysis and Management System.- Study of Influence on Cohesive Deposits Incipient Motion and Erosion by Dry Bulk Density.- Instantaneous-Advective Structures of Large Scale Coherent Vortices Around a Single Groyne.- Estuarine and Coastal Hydraulics, Resttlement and Social Aspects.- Numerical Calculation of the Impact of Offshore Wind Power Stations on Hydrodynamic Conditions.- Analysis of Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Estuarine Dynamic Process of the Dongjing River Delta Based on 1-D Numerical Model.- Modeling Nonlinear Wave Based on SPH Method.- Study on Prediction of Tide and Ocean Current by Data-Driven Model.- Indian Ocean Tsunami on 26 December 2004: Numerical Modelling of Inundation in the City of Matara on the South Coast of Sri Lanka.- Numerical Solutions of Berthing Stability by Wave-Permeable Breakwater.- A Three Dimensional Baroclinic Flow Numerical Model in Estuarine and Coastal Regions Using Double Sigma Coordinates System.- Numerical Simulation of a Tsunami Propagation Considering the Regional Characteristic.- Large Wave Simulation of Spilling Breakers Over Immersed Longshore Bar.- Simulation of Pipeline Vibration and Scour.- Modeling Wind and Tide-Induced Currents In The Eastern Ionian Sea: Patraikos Gulf (Greece).- Depth Averaged Modelling of Characteristics of the Arabian Gulf.- Direct Measurement of Wave-Induced Bottom Shear Stress Under Irregular Waves.- Influence of Estuarine Breakwater Constructions on Kerala Coast in India.- Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of the Cross-Flow Features in Approach Channel.- Longshore Sediment Transport and Breakwater Layout Optimization.- Experimental Study of Influence on Temperature Rise Due to Retraction of Water Intake in Cooling Water Engineering.- An Analytical Approach to the Mild Slope Equation Using Power Series.- Simulation and Prediction of Runup Heights Due to Great Indian Ocean Tsunami.- Infiltration Flow Through a Sand Spit at the Nanakita River Mouth.- Long-Term Effects of Detached Breakwaters in Nankoku Beach, Kochi Coast Japan.- Control of Substance Transport Using Submerged Asymmetrical Structures in Wave Fields.- Analyzing of Stable Slope in Tidal Supply Canals (Case Study-Iran).- Examination of Unified Sediment Transport and Cross Shore Morphology Model.- Shoreline Changes Around Artificial Headlands Along the Misawa Coast, Japan.- Study on the Suspended Sediment Transport in Nansha Harbor.- Study on Hydraulic Calculation and Closure Technique for Sea Reclamation Works.- Shoreline Dynamics of Dhanushkodi, Rameswaram Using Gis.- Design of Headland Control, Beach Protection Scheme.- Inner and Outer Particles Searching Method With Its Applying in SPH Method.- Attenuation of Wave Energy by Double Chambered Breakwaters.- Experimental Study for Decomposition of Higher Harmonic Waves Over Submerged Structure Using Four Wave Gages.- Effect of Offhsore Low-Crested Barrier in Reduction of Wave Pressures on Caissons.- Statistical Distribution of Wave Orbital Velocity in Finite Water Depth.- Hydrodynamic Modeling of Residence Time in Little Manatee River, USA.- New Index for Lagoon by the Change of Water Quality.- Simulation of Water Exchange in Bohai Bay.- Optimal Wind Protection Fence That Minimize the Spray Transport to the Downstream.- Oxygen Consumption Processes Due to Resuspension of Sediment in Ariake Sea.- Oxygen Consumption Through the Bed Surface in Ariake Sea.- On The Characteristics of Wind-Induced Current in Lake Ogawara, Japan.- Urban Landscape Change in the Brazilian Coastal Ecotone.- In Situ Measurement on Tidal Current off The Shimabara Peninsula in The Ariake Bay, Japan.- Effect of Water Flow on Larval Settlement in The Nagura Amparu Tidal Lagoon.- Investigation of Water Exchange Through Riverbeds in Tidal Rivers.- Modelling Study on Subsurface Flows Affected By Macro-Pores In Marsh Sediments.- Simulation of Salinity Intrusion Into Nanakita River, Japan, Taking Into Account Effects of Morphological Changes And Wave Set-Up.- Research on Ecological Environment Conservation and Treatment in Three Gorges Reservior Area.- Reflection and Countermeasure of Ecological Resettlement in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Changjiang River.- Study on Evaluation of Submersed Cultivated Land Resources Caused by Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering.- Discussion of Resettlement Cost Externalization of Water Resources and Hydropower Projects.- Participation Capacity Building in Involuntary Resettlement and Rehabilitation Induced by Dam Project.- The Study on Poverty Influence Factors of Resettlers from Water Conservancy Project Based on Ridge Regression Model.- Post-Resettlement Support: Policy Aimed at Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development.- Discussion on Resettlement Science.- Designing of Safety Protection Net for Vulnerable Groups Among Involuntary Migration.- Economic Integration Between the Outside Resettled from Three Gorges and the Coastal Resettlement Sites.- Case Study of Ecological Migration Along Luntai Tarim River Nature Reserve.- Study on the Countermeasures to Improve the Enforcement Effects of the Reservoir Resettlement Post-Relocation Supporting Policies.- Constructing the Participation Mechanism of Reservoir Resettlement.- Water Usage Level Evaluation and Industry Structure Adjusting Policy in Zishui Basin.- Assessment Study on Social Impact by Hydropower Exploitation in Nujiang River.- The Establishment of Water Markets in Water Imported Areas of the East-Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project.- Hydraulic Structures for Water Projects.- Vortex Drop Shaft for Supercritical Flow.- Design Optimization on the Channel Outlet of the Yangtze River to Hanjiang River.- On Easily-Split Surface of Embankment Using Split Grouting.- Similarity Analysis of Time Series of Reservoir Water Level and Dam Foundation Uplift Pressure.- Research to the Stilling Basin Types of the Spillway Outlet.- Inclined Jumps Over Sills Part 1 Upstream Geometry.- The Explicit Solution of the Sequent Depth Ratio for the Hydraulic Jump in Trapezoidal and Triangular Channels.- Safety Evaluation and Corrosponding Methods On Dams Graded by Risk Analysis.- Hydraulic Control of Safe Operation of Large-Scaled Hypervelocity Discharge Tunnel.- Study on Dynamic Features of Delivery Valve of Ship Locks of the Three-Gorge Project.- Inclined Jumps Over Sills Part 2 Downstream Geometry.- Developing an Optimization Model for Life-Cycle Hydraulic Facilities Management.- Study on Gate Deadband and Dynamic Response of Unsteady Flow in Canal System.- Blast Design of Rock Excavation Based on Vibration Cotrol for Powerstation-Expanded Projects.- Experiments and Researches on Flow-Induced Vibrationon of Large Radial Working Gate in Sand Sluicing Chamber.- Project Application and Anti-Vibration Problem of Gate with Vast Aspect Ratio.- Apply Caisson Dam and Pillar Dam for Barrier Construction in Vietnam.- Study on the Mechanisms and Properties of Repair Mortar for Hydraulic Concrete Surface.- The Analyses of Diversion Ration of Flow Downstream of Ganjiang River.- Study on Theoretical Solutions of Equivalent Deformation Parameters of RCCD Construction Interfaces.- Developments in Design of Prestressed Pier.- Study on Coupled Dynamic Optimization Method of Guide Wall Structures.- Experimental Study on Resistance Characteristics in Pulling Process of Pontoon Gate.- Instability of Rock-Fill Spur-Dykes in Mountainous Rivers and Countermeasures.- Optimization of Hydraulic Design for Short Intake Based on Complex Method.- Automatic Geometrical Optimization by Way of Numerical Flow Models.- Structural Stress States of Radial Gate of Deep Discharge Orifice in Various Operating Gatage.- Ideal Transient Process of Unsteady Open-Channel Flow.- An Improvement on Wetting and Drying Method for Moving Boundary in Shallow Water Flow Models.- Impact of Abutment Dimension on the Recirculation Length: An Experimental Study.- The Study on Energy Dissipation of Two-Jet With Varying Spacing on a Plunge Pool Based on CFD.- Pure Frequency Domain Analysis for Detecting Pipeline Leaks.- Method to Analyze Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth Core Rock-Fill DAM and its Application Based on Probabilistic Approach.- Preparing a Computer Software for Hydraulic Design of Open Water Transfer Structures.- Nonlinear FEM Analysis of the Spiral Case Keeping Constant Internal Pressure Based on Simulation.- Comparison of Several Finite Difference Schemes in Flow Modeling Over an Ogee Spillway.- Numerical Simulation on the Flow Field of Inlet Structure of Dongsong Pumping Station.- Model Test for Optimum Hydraulic Design of Intake Channel of Pumping Station.- Model Study on Flood Discharge Atomization of Hydropower Stations Adopting Energy Dissipation by Hydraulic Jump.- Hydraulic Vibration Analysis of Bulb Tubular Pump-House Considering Foundation Radiation Damping.- Study on the Effect of Fluid-Solid Coupling and Foundation Radiation Damping on Seismic Response of Arch Dam.- Flow Analysis Around a Submerged Groyne.- Physical And Numerical Investigation of the Skimming Flow Over a Stepped Spillway.- Auto Up-Wind and Skew Up-Wind Numerical Solution of 3D Convection-Diffusion Equation under High Reynods Number.- The Auto-Monitoring and Simulation of Dyke Break in the River Networks.- Hydrauic Jumps in a Channel Crossing-A Numerical Approach.- Numerical Simulations on Orifice Energy Dissipation.- Numerical Study of Large Eddy Structures—Separated Flows Passing Sills.- Two-Dimensional CIP-Soroban Solver Toward an Efficient Water Flow Analysis in a Reservoir.- One and Two-Dimension Coupling Simulation for Dam-Break Flood.- An Experimental Investigation on Flow Structure in Channel with Consecutive Bends.- Numerical Modeling of Flow Condition in a Bottom Outlet.- The VOF Method Based on Refined Grids Partition of Partial Domain.- Resistance Computation in Overbank Flows.- Application of Weighted Block Recursive Partial Least Squares Regression for Dam Safety Monitoring.- Hydralic Analysis of Post-Failure Behaviour Due to Bank Slope Landslide.- Study on the Comprehensive Safety Assessment of Earth Fill Dam Based on AHP Methods.- Dam Safety Legislation: A Focus on the Different Approaches.- Development of a Critical Structure State Alarm System Based on the Instrumentation of the Botafoc Breakwater#8 Caisson.- A Systematic Procedure to Predict Flows Induced by Major Dysfunctions on Complexes or Cascades of Dams.- Analytical Solution for Assessing Randomness in Dam Design, Risk and Safety Analysis-I: Theory.- Analytical Solution for Assessing Randomness in Dam Design, Risk and Safety Analysis-II: Case Study.- Monitoring and Dynamic Feedback Design for Hydropower Stations Slope.- Safety Inspection and Evaluation of Steel Penstocks in Hydroelectric Stations.- Safety Evaluation and Dynamic Coupling Analysis of Counter-Arched Slab in Plunge Pool.- Deformation Mechanism Analysis of High Rock Slope Based on Safety Monitoring.- Analysis of Water Hazard Caused by Huashiban Landslide on Tiger Leaping Gorge.- River Ice Conditions Forecast by Artificial Neural Networks.- Prototype Debugging on Four-Step Operation Mode of TGP Lock Under Impounded Level 156m During Completion Stage.- Research of Image Processing Technique in Flow Visualization.- The Effect of Freshwater Biofilms on Skin Friction Drag.- Flowrate and Velocity Measurement in Nakdong River Using ADCP.- Experimental Study of Open Channel Flow with Groins.- Evaluating of Hydraulic Operation of Water Measurement Structures (Case Study, Khuzestan, Iran).- Optimising ADV Sampling Locations in Simulated Vegetated Flows.- Performance of a Combined Three-Hole Conductivity Probe for Measuring Velocity in Air-Water Jets.- Measurement of Cross-Sectional Average Velocity in a Shallow Tidal River with a Next-Generation Acoustic Velocity Meter.- An Advanced Discharge Measurement Technique: Real-Time Automatic Discharge Acquisition Remote-Control System Using Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meters.- Application of Multi-Evidence Reasoning for Identification Vectors of Flow Field.- Simultaneously Measurements of Velocity and Pressure on the Bed Wall in a Backward-Facing Step Flow.- Application of Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeter for Low Lift Pumping Station Using.- Energy Dissipator of Slit Concrete Sabo Dams.- Effect of Installation of Fishway on Flow Characteristics Around Weir.- Flow Characteristics of Pool-Type Fishway with Trapezoidal Section.- Flow Characteristics of a Pool Type Fishway Installed in Sabo Dam During Flood Stage.- Efficiency of Sediment Settling Basins.- Hydropower Hydraulics.- Scour Depth for Different Pile Positions at the Toe of a Block Ramp.- Experimental Research on the Length of 3D Hydraulic Jump in Joint Energy Dissipator.- Discharge Rating Curve and Scale Effects Correction in Morning Glory Spillways.- Analyses of Minimum Submergence and Air Discharge in Vertical Shafts with Different Inlets.- Vortex Shaft Outlet.- Experimental Study of Elimination of Vortices Along Guide Wall of Bank Spillway.- Hydraulic Design of A Multi-Level Intake Structure.- Hydraulic Characteristics of Service Gate Downstream Fin of Discharge Tunnels.- Hydraulic Characteristic Analysis of Changing Top-Altitude Tail Tunnel and its Application.- Research on the Layout of Guide Piers in the Inlet-Outlet for Pumped Storage Power Station.- 3-D Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Lateral Intake of Pumped Storage Plant.- Pressure and Velocity Fluctuations in Stilling Basins.- 3D Numercial Simulation of Elbow-Inlet Passage.- Kárahnjúkar Dam Spillway: Optimization by Hydraulic Model Tests.- Scour Control Downstream of Block Ramps in Basins with Continuous and Dentated Sill.- Experimental Study on Inner Velocity and Energy Dissipation of Shaft Spillway With Whirling Current.- Design Conditions for Morning-Glory Spillways: Application to Potrerillos Dam Spillway.- Analysis on Pressure-Falling Phenomenon Caused by Air Chamber in Pressured Water Supply Pipe.- Dynamic Pipe Fracture in Water Pipeline.- Air Transport Caused by Chute Aerators.- Experimental Study of Aerated Two-Phase Flow Patterns in Tandem Cascade.- Surge Effects in Pressure Systems for Different Pipe Materials.- Effect of Aeration on Cavitation Charac-Teristics of Cylindrical Protrusions with Different Heights.- Vortex Characteristics of Spiral Flow in Pipe.- Study on Flow-Induced Vibration of Delivery Valvr of Shiplocks.- Analysis of an Accident Happened at an Oil Well.- Analysis on Flow-Induced Vibration of Underwater Horizontal Gate.- Extension of the Efficient Quasi-2D Water Hammer Model to Complex Pipe System.- Experimental Research on the Salt-Out Flow in Chemical Pump.- Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow in Centrifugal Pump.- Research of Liquid-Solid Two Phase Flow in the Chemical Pump.- Study on Reverse Water Hammer of the Kaplan Turbine.- Numerical Simulation of Cavitation Flow in Tandem Cascade.- Study of the Internal Flow in Centrifugal Pump.- New Inverse Method of Centrifugal Pump Blade and its Optimization.- Conception and Design of A Micro-Hydro in a Water Supply System.- Experimental Study on the Effect of Habitat Isolation on River Ecology.- 3-D Flow Simulation of an Ice-Harbor Fishway.- Effects of Notch Ratio on Migration Rate in Pool-And-Weir Fishways.- The Effects of Discharge Ratio on Helix Flow at “Y” Shaped Junction.- Changes and Countermeasures of Reservoir Water Quality After Storage of Three Gorges Reservoir.- Chinese Sturgeon Spawning Habitat Horizontal Mean Vorticity Computation and Analysis.- Modeling of the Flow Changes Due to Reservoir Operations and the Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystem Downstream.- A Review on Conservation Issue in Chinese Paddlefish, Psephurus Glasius.
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