ST: Computational Bioimaging.- Automatic Registration of Serial Cerebral Angiography: A Comparative Review.- Skull Stripping using Confidence Segmentation Convolution Neural Network.- Skin Cancer Segmentation Using a Unified Markov Random Field.- Heart Modeling by Convexity Preserving Segmentation and Convex Shape Decomposition.- Computer Graphics I.- PSO-based Newton-like Method and Iteration Processes in the Generation of Artistic Patterns.- An Evaluation of Smoothing and Remeshing Techniques to Represent the Evolution of Real-World Phenomena.- Biomimetic Perception Learning for Human Sensorimotor Control.- Porous Structure Design in Tissue Engineering Using Anisotropic Radial Basis Functions.- Visual Surveillance.- Accurate and Efficient Non-Parametric Background Detection for Video Surveillance.- A Low-Power Neuromorphic System for Real-Time Visual Activity Recognition.- Video-based human action recognition using kernel relevance analysis.- Robust Incremental Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Human Action Recognition.- Pattern Recognition.- Rotation Symmetry Object Classification using Structure Constrained Convolutional Neural Network.- A Hough Space Feature for Vehicle Detection.- Gender Classification Based on Facial Shape and Texture Features.- Authentication-based on Biomechanics of Finger Movements captured using Optical Motion-Capture.- Specific Document Sign Location Detection Based on Point Matching and Clustering.- Virtual Reality I.- Training in Virtual Environments for Hybrid Power Plants.- Visualizing Viewpoint Movement on Driving by Space Information Rendering.- Virtual Reality System for Children Lower Limb Strengthening with the use of Electromyographic Sensors.- A Comparative Study of Virtual UI for Risk Assessment and Evaluation.- Sensory Fusion and Intent Recognition for Accurate Gesture Recognition in Virtual Environments.- Deep Learning I.- Accuracy of a Driver-Assistance System in a Collision Scenario.- Classify broiler viscera using an iterative approach on noisy labeled training data.- Instance-level Object Recognition using Deep Temporal Coherence.- DUPL-VR: Deep Unsupervised Progressive Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification.- Motion and Tracking.- Particle Filter Based Tracking and Mapping.- Multi-Branch Siamese Networks with Online Selection for Object Tracking.- Deep Convolutional Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking by Detection.- The bird gets caught by the WORM: tracking multiple deformable objects in noisy environments using Weight ORdered Logic Maps.- A Mumford Shah Style Unified Framework for Layering: Pitfalls and Solutions.- Visualization.- Visualization of Parameter Sensitivity of 2D Time-Dependent Flow.- Non-stationary generalized Wishart process for enhancing resolution over diffusion tensor fields.- Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on improved local binary pattern.- Web system for visualization of weather data of the hydrometeorological network of Tungurahua, Ecuador.- Analysis and Visualization of Sports Performance Anxiety in Tennis Matches.- Object Detection and Recognition.- Detailed sentence generation architecture for image semantics description.- Pupil Localization Using Geodesic Distance.- Parallel Curves Detection Using Multi-Agent System.- Can Deep Learning Learn the Principle of Closed Contour Detection.- Deep Learning II.- DensSiam: End-to-End Densely-Siamese Network with Self-Attention Model for Object Tracking.- Convolutional Adaptive Particle Filter with Multiple Models for Visual Tracking.- Scale-aware RPN for Vehicle Detection.- Object Detection to Assist Visually Impaired People: A Deep Neural Network Adventure.- Large Scale Application Response Time Measurement using Image Recognition and Deep Learning.- Applications I.- Vision-Depth Landmarks and Inertial Fusion for Navigation in Degraded Visual Environments.- Efficient Nearest Neighbors Search for Large-Scale Landmark Recognition.- Patient's Body Motion Study using Multimodal RGBDT Videos.- Marker based Thermal-Inertial Localization for Aerial Robots in Obscurant Filled Environments.- Shape-based Smoothing of Binary Digital Objects Using Signed Distance Transform.- Segmentation.- Patch-based potentials for interactive contour extraction.- A New Algorithm for Local Blur-Scale Computation and Edge Detection.- Semantic Segmentation by Integrating Classifiers for Different Difficulty Levels.- Applications II.- Fast Image Dehazing Methods for Real-Time Video Processing.- GPU Accelerated Non-Parametric Background Subtraction.- Budget-constrained Online Video Summarisation of Egocentric Video Using Control Charts.- p-Laplacian regularization of signals on directed graphs.- A Dense-Depth Representation for VLAD descriptors in Content-Based Image Retrieval.- Virtual Reality II.- Augmented Reality System for Training and Assistance in the Management of Equipment and Industrial Instruments.- Alternative Treatment for Spider Phobia through Virtual Reality Environments.- The skyline as a marker for augmented reality in urban context.- Oil Processes VR Training.- ST: Intelligent Transportation Systems.- Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes with a Multiclass Object Detector.- Autonomous Bus Boarding Robotic Wheelchair using Bidirectional Sensing Systems.- Road User Abnormal Trajectory Detection using a Deep Autoencoder.- Traffic Flow Classiffication Using Traffic Cameras.