ISBN-13: 9780415621359 / Angielski / Twarda / 2012 / 216 str.
Advances in Transportation Geotechnics II deals with the geotechnics of roads, railways and airfields. Providing economic and sustainable transportation infrastructures for societies is highly dependent on progress made in this field. These contributions to the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (Hokkaido, Japan, 10-12 September 2012), held under the auspices of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), cover a broad range of technical topics, including those addressed by the first conference held in Nottingham, UK in 2008. Advances in Transportation Geotechnics II contains a total of 138 reviewed papers from 29 countries in addition to 5 invited papers prepared by distinguished keynote lecturers, and addresses the following themes:
- Geotechnics of pavements, railway tracks and airfields;
- Geomaterial, including non-traditional materials;
- Asphalt mixtures and hydraulically-bound materials;
- Earthworks for transportation facilities;
- Application of geosynthetics;
- Laboratory testing and in-situ testing;
- Modeling and numerical simulations;
- Design, construction and maintenance;
- Performance evaluation and quality control;
- Sustainability of management and rehabilitation;
- Risk assessment and environmental issues. Advances in Transportation Geotechnics II will be of interest to professionals and academics involved in geotechnical and pavement engineering of roads, railways and airfields.
Preface Welcome address Organizing and advisory committees Reviewers 1 Invited lectures 1.1 Special lecture Trends and challenges in earthworks for transportation infrastructuresA.G. Correia & J.-P. Magnan Mechanical behavior and earthquake-induced failures of volcanic soils in JapanS. Miura 1.2 Keynote lecture Bituminous mixtures: From thermo-mechanical properties of components to structure calculationH. di Benedetto Soil suction measurements in highway subgrades D.G. Fredlund & Q. Nguyen Performance evaluation of shock mats and synthetic grids in the improvement of rail ballast B. Indraratna, S. Nimbalkar & C. Rujikiatkamjorn GRS structures recently developed and constructed for railways and roads in Japan F. Tatsuoka, M. Tateyama & J. Koseki Sustainable pavement construction utilizing engineered unbound aggregate layers E. Tutumluer 2 Geotechnics for pavement, rail track and airfield 2.1 Pavement Characterization of highly compressible marine clay for road foundation G.W. Chai, N. Mosavat, E.Y. Oh & Y.C. Loo Evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of recycled base layers produced by Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) J. Depatie, J.-P. Bilodeau & G. Doré Effects of lime content and amelioration period in double lime application on the strength of lime treated expansive sub-grade soils C. Gallage, M. Cochrane & J. Ramanujam The use of recycled crushed concrete as a road base materialJ.N. Greitschus Analysis of traffic-load-induced permanent settlement of highway embankment on soft clay groundM. Huang & Z. Yao Effects of freeze-thawing on mechanical behavior of granular base in cold regions T. Ishikawa, S. Kawabata, S. Kameyama, R. Abe & T. Ono Characterization of hydrated cement treated crushed rock base as a road base material in Western Australia using disturbed state concept P. Khobklang, V. Vimonsatit, P. Jitsangiam & H. Nikraz Role of resilient modulus constitutive models on response of pavements M. Mazari, E. Navarro, I. Abdallah & S. Nazarian A prediction method of plastic deformation development of subbase and subgrade in concrete pavement T. Nishizawa Thick-layer construction using sandy soil as material and embankment performance evaluation: Assessment of rolling compaction test results T. Sakaiya, T. Kuwahara, H. Takei & K. Umetsu Effects of the environment-conscious pavements in Fukuoka University and its verification K. Sato Study of suction in unsaturated soils applied to pavement mechanics B.A. Silva & L.M.G. Motta Cracking and flexural behaviors on cement treated crushed rock for thin flexible pavement K. Siripun, P. Jitsangiam, H. Nikraz & C. Leek Jet grouting deformability modulus prediction using data mining tools J. Tinoco, A.G. Correia & P. Cortez Full-scale accelerated loading test for load distribution on subgrade due to CFA stabilized base K. Tomisawa, T. Endoh, H. Godenki, T. Okabe & T. Kanai Failure on a roadside dip slope with partial anchorage system H. Wang & J.-J. Hung 2.2 Rail track Establishing linkages between ballast degradation and imaging based aggregate particle shape, texture and angularity indices H. Boler, M. Wnek & E. Tutumluer Laboratory tests on a ballasted rail track reinforced by geosynthetics L. Briançon, C. Cojean, N. Calon, S.C. d’Aguiar & A. Robinet Evaluation of a linear elastic 3D FEM to simulate rail track response under a high-speed train J. Cunha & A.G. Correia Improvement of rail track subgrade using stone columns combined with geosynthetics B. Fatahi, H. Khabbaz & T.M. Le Seismic damage assessment of an airport runway based on non-linear FEM analysis with special reference to crack occurrence Y. Hata, K. Ichii & A. Nozu Influence of moisture content on cyclic plastic deformation characteristics of recycled crusher-run material under moving wheel loads A. Inam, T. Ishikawa & S. Miura Development of integrated RC roadbed for slab track on clay subgrade Y. Momoya, T. Takahashi, O. Maruyama & E. Sekine Effect of ground properties and embankment height on the embankment failure behavior during earthquake M. Ohki, M. Seki, T. Sakai & M. Nakano Railroad foundations—verifications and analysis of the dynamic stability M. Raithel & E. Leusink Design method for railway bases reinforced with geogrid P. Rimoldi Evaluation of train running stability on slab track with vibration exciter M. Shinoda, H. Sakamoto, N. Misaki & Y. Sakamoto Modelling and application of polyurethane geocomposites for high-speed ballasted railway tracks including transition zone dynamics P.K. Woodward, A. Kacimi, O. Laghrouche & G. Medero Study on the settlement characteristics and reinforcement technology of unsaturated soil ground of high-speed railway L. Wu & G. Jiang 2.3 Airfield Development of high durable grout for airport prestressed concrete pavement N. Kawamura, R. Maekawa, K. Morohashi, A. Shiji & K. Kamitani Determination method of ground model for reclaimed land with dredged clay and evaluation by settlement record of Kita-Kyushu Airport H. Yoshida, H. Kume, S. Yamamoto, M. Katagiri, T. Yoshifuku, K. Ohishi & M. Terashi 3 Geomaterial, including nontraditional materials Performance assessment of clay soil stabilized with recycled gypsum based on SEM and XRD A. Ahmed, M. Kobayashi & K. Ugai Blended recycled clay masonry and crushed concrete aggregate in bases A.H. Azam, D.A. Cameron & M.M. Rahman Evaluation of non-traditional stabilizers with silty-clay desert soil A. Bayat & O. Farzaneh Mechanical characteristics of hydrated cement treated crushed rock base for Western Australian road base S. Chummuneerat, P. Jitsangiam & H. Nikraz Study on effect of mixing condition on strength of mixture of dredged soil and steel slag S. Hirai, T. Mizutani, Y. Kikuchi, S. Nakashima & K. Iguchi Mechanical characteristics of foamed bitumen mixtures in Western Australia Y. Huan, P. Jitsangiam, H. Nikraz & R. Grant Recycled concrete aggregate as a base course material in Western Australian road P. Jitsangiam, K. Siripun, H. Nikraz & C. Leek A method for accelerating the solidification of granulated blast furnace slag Y. Kikuchi, T. Mizutani, S. Oka & K. Nakashima Improvement of swelling-collapsible behaviors of silty clay by calcium carbide residue A. Kumpala, S. Horpibulsuk & J. Suebsuk Effects of compaction condition on seismic performance of dike embankment and its evaluation S. Matsumura, S. Miura & S. Yokohama Experimental study on deformation characteristics of granular materials made from recycled glass bottles under traffic loading T. Mikami, J. Koseki & T. Sato Dynamic centrifuge model tests on quay wall backfilled with granular treated soil Y. Morikawa, H. Takahashi, K. Hayano & Y. Okusa Characterization of gold mine tailings for utilization in development of the rural infrastructure F.K. Mutabazi & P.M. Bujulu Mechanical characteristics of composite geomaterial mixed with lightweight granular material K. Yamanaka & K. Minegishi Change in mechanical characteristics of embankment material by compaction control and its evaluation S. Yokohama, S. Miura & S. Matsumura 4 Asphalt mixtures and hydraulically-bound materials Influences of in situ HMA compaction on its performances Y. Hachiya, K. Kitaochi & T. Watanabe Characterization of emulsion bitumen stabilized aggregate base M. Moaveni, I. Abuawad, K. Hasiba, D. Zhang & E. Tutumluer Effects of mineral fillers on rheological properties of asphalt binders A.D. Mwanza, P. Hao & H. Hui Behaviour of asphalt mixture under large amplitude cyclic loading Q.T. Nguyen, H. Di Benedetto & C. Sauzéat Effect of water on the strength of bituminous mixes with waste concrete aggregates M.A. Sobhan, S.A. Mofiz, T. Humyra & M.R. Awall New X-ray CT evaluation method of engineering characteristics of asphalt mixture S. Taniguchi, I. Nishizaki, K. Ogawa & J. Otani A study of developing new tests to evaluate compaction property and deformation resistance for slipform paving concrete S. Yokota, T. Sato, R. Kamishita, K. Nakamura, O. Kamada & Y. Sakamoto Interpretation and application of repeated torsional shear test on asphalt mixtures N. Yoshida, A. Fuke, T. Uehara & K. Adachi 5 Earthworks for transportation facilities A study on the structural assessment of pavement damaged by the Tohoku Earthquake and liquefaction and causes of the damages N. Abe A study on increased layer thickness for embankment construction using ordinary compaction machinery T. Adachi, S. Nishimoto & A. Satoh Influence of the drainage in the reinforced soil wall during seepage flow M. Kobayashi, K. Miura & T. Konami The effect of dry unit weight, suction, and imparted energy on the modulus of a compacted mixture of sand and kaolin C. Rujikiatkamjorn, A. Heitor & B. Indraratna Proposal of control criteria for embankment compaction in Hokkaido A. Sato, S. Nishimoto & T. Suzuki Numerical study on dynamic interaction between embankment and consecutive culverts Y. Sawamura, K. Kishida & M. Kimura Relationship between compaction equipment and compaction results M. Yamada, S. Nishimoto & A. Sato 6 Application of geosynthetics Monitoring and predicting the seismic behaviors of geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining structures S.J. Chao, A. Cheng, C.Y. Chan & J.R. Chang Effects of subbase geogrid reinforcement on residual deformation characteristics of asphalt pavement D. Hirakawa & Y. Miyata Performance of a Bearing Reinforcement Earth (BRE) wall and its numerical simulation S. Horpibulsuk, C. Suksiripattanapong, A. Chinkulkijniwat, T. Tangsutthinon & W. Bunyakiat Rural road maintenance using geotextile available in developing countries M. Kimura & Y. Fukubayashi Effectiveness of geotextiles in unsurfaced pavements over weak subgrade evaluated from accelerated field testing D. Mishra & E. Tutumluer Effect of geosynthetic drainage layers on the recovery rate of pavement surface modulus C. Savoie, G. Doré, J.-P. Bilodeau & J. Fachon Seismic performance of geotextile reinforced soil wall with double facing system 101S. Tsuji, N. Tatta, Z. Wang, T. Kubo & K. Arai 7 Laboratory testing and in-situ testing Solidification of dredged marine clay under varied mix conditions:A laboratory study 105C.-M. Chan, Y. Kikuchi & T. Mizutani The influence of moisture on the detection of de-bonding in asphalt pavements using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) R.D. Evans & M. Rahman Improving the use of unbound granular materials in railway sub-ballast layer E. Fortunato, A. Paixão & S. Fontul Measurement of the deformation behavior of asphalt mixture by using a high-speed camera Y. Hisari, S. Yokota & K. Takehara Development of medium-size triaxial apparatus for unsaturated granular base course materials T. Ishikawa, Y. Zhang, H. Segawa, S. Miura & T. Tokoro Characterization of polymer modified asphalt for rutting and cracking potential using dynamic shear rheometer M.A. Javid & M.W. Mirza Full scale model tests on slab track constructed on embankment H. Jiang, X. Bian, Y. Chen & J. Jiang Shakedown behavior of unbound granular material under repeated portable FWD loading M. Kamiura Surface free energy components of aggregates from contact angle measurements using Sessile Drop method M. Koc & R. Bulut Influence of reclaimed materials on base course quality K. Kubo, M. Itani & S. Horiuchi Fundamental study on the simple evaluation methods for particle size distribution and maximum/minimum void ratio of sand-gravel mixtures G.H.A.J.J. Kumara, K. Hayano, K. Ogiwara & M. Takeuchi In-situ measurement of damping ratio spectra from the inversion of phase velocities of P and S waves in cross-hole seismic testing C.G. Lai & A.G. Özcebe A study on cyclic triaxial test method for coarse granular materials S.J. Lee, I.W. Lee, S.H. Lee, J.W. Lee & S.H. Lee Large-scale triaxial tests of dense gravel material at low confining pressureS. Lenart, J. Koseki, T. Sato, Y. Miyashita & H.V. Thang Characteristics of in-situ dynamic stresses of pavement subgrade under portable falling weight deflectometer test G.L.M. Leung, Y.H. Wang & A.W.G. Wong Accumulation of excess pore water pressure and post-cyclic settlement of saturated soft clay subjected to multi-directional cyclic simple shear H. Matsuda, T.T. Nhan, R. Ishikura & A.P. Hendrawan Determination of air-entry value for different compacted unsaturated soil T. Nishimura, J. Koseki & H. Rahardjo Experimental study on responses of saturated clay to traffic loading J.G. Qian, S.B. Guo, M.S. Huang & J.F. Zhang Influence of underground structures on cavity formation due to various conditions of water flowM. Sato & R. Kuwano Geotechnical behavior of cement treated soils from southern coast line of Caspian Sea P. Sedighi & A. Eslami An innovative approach for continuous measurement of cemented sand stiffness immediately after layer compaction J. Silva, M. Azenha & A.G. Correia A study on the design of highway bridge pile foundations in volcanic ash ground K. Tomisawa, T. Egawa & S. Miura The case studies of damage investigation of the 2011 East Japan earthquake disaster using the vehicle for exploring under roads by GPR Y. Yamashita, A. Matsuyama & H. Murakami Intact soft clay responses to cyclic principal stress rotation in undrained condition J. Zhou, J. Yan, Y. Cao & X. Gong Challenges for transportation geotechnics in extreme climates of Kazakhstan and Korea A. Zhussupbekov, Zh. Shakhmov, E.C. Shin & S. Krasnikov 8 Modeling and numerical simulationsDiscrete element modeling of asphalt mixture W. Cai, G.R. McDowell, A.C. Collop & G.D. AireyInvestigating geogrid-reinforced ballast using laboratory pull-out tests and discrete element modelling C. Chen, G.R. McDowell & N.H. Thom Numerical modeling of “soil-mixing” columns used for railway subgrade reinforcement S.C. D’Aguiar, M. Diagne & N. Calon Modelling cemented sand using DEM J.P. de Bono, G.R. McDowell & D. Wanatowski Modelling of sand behavior in drained cyclic shear L.I.N. De Silva & J. Koseki Innovative sleeper design analysis using DEM J.-F. Ferellec & G.R. McDowell Influence of the soil properties variability on the railway track response under moving load V.A. Fernandes, S.C. D’Aguiar & F. Lopez-Caballero Comparison between a 3-D finite element pavement model and the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide for asphalt pavements S. Im, H. Ban, Y.-R. Kim & S.-W. Park Centrifuge modelling of an embankment stabilised with discretely spaced reinforced concrete piles T.J. Kelly, J.A. Knappett & R. Müller 3D-DEM simulation for shaking table test of ballasted test track A. Kono & T. Matsushima Performance analysis of EPS test embankment L. Korkiala-Tanttu, M. Juvankoski & H. Kivikoski Dynamic response for critical velocity effect depending on track supporting stiffness I.W. Lee, S.J. Lee & S.H. Lee Numerical analysis of settlements at bridge approaches M.S. Nam & J.-H. Jung The use of geotechnical instrumentation and finite element analysis for assessment of bridge foundation stability due to breccia resliding over clayshale P.P. Rahardjo, Y. Halim & H. Wisanto Shear strain development and pore pressure distribution in sandy model slope under repeated rainfall K. Sasahara & N. Sakai Physical model of surcharge loading to the intersecting ridge between two slopes S. Thay, S. Kitakata, T. Pipatpongsa & A. Takahashi On 1G slope failure model tests due to rainfalls: Difference of failure patterns due to difference of densities of a subsurface sand layer N. Tokoro, K. Tanikawa, H. Saito, Y. Kohgo & T. Hori Effect of deformed wick drain in soft ground improvement for embankments in Vietnam H.-H. Tran-Nguyen & H.H. Ha Shaking table test and effective stress analysis of bridge pile foundation with seismic isolation rubber in liquefied ground K. Uno, M. Mitou & H. Otsuka 9 Design, construction and maintenance A study on materials and environmental conditions for mechanistic-empirical design method of asphalt pavement in cold snowy regions R. Abe, M. Kumagai & K. Maruyama Limerick Tunnel approach roads—geotechnical design & performance of bridge transitions F.J. Buggy Design loads on railway substructure—comparative parametric investigation on the influence of fastening stiffness (European and Japanese) K. Giannakos Proposal of maintenance options to meet the pavement failure characteristics in Bangladesh M.R. Islam & K. Hayano The dynamic analysis to human-vehicle-road system for bump at the end of bridge J.-H. Jung & M.S. Nam Design and construction of deep excavation engineering adjacent to the subway tunnel in Shanghai soft soil J. Li, W. Wang & K. Tan Railway track stiffness measurements at bridge transition zones H. Luomala & A. Nurmikolu Quality assessment of high water content embankment slope based on compaction energy S. Manandhar, N. Yasufuku, T. Kobayashi & M. Taniyama Effect of traffic overloading and stiffness of unbound aggregates on pavement performance A. Shafeeq, Y. Kohata & Y. Takeuchi A conceptual model for reliability analysis of pavement foundations A. Teixeira, A.G. Correia, A. Gaspar, A.A. Henriques & Y. Honjo Transportation infrastructure on soft sensitive clays: Some essential aspects and examples V. Thakur, F. Oset, S.A. Degago, R. Aabøe & A. Watn 10 Performance evaluation and quality control Permanent strain testing of recycled concrete aggregate for evaluation of unbound bases D.A. Cameron & A.R. Gabr Performance of the double layered D-mix pavement E. Hirotsu A study on repair design method of porous asphalt for the Japanese motorways K. Kamiya & T. Kazato Trafficability during thaw on minor roads in Finland S. Saarelainen & H. Gustavsson 11 Sustainability of management and rehabilitation Pavement maintenance management on the Hanshin Expressway network A. Higatani, K. Sasaki, N. Hamada & Y. Hisari Analytical redesign potential of flexible pavements utilizing the in-situ characteristics of unbound materials A. Loizos, C. Plati & V. Papavasiliou Study on inspection method for railway existing retaining walls using vibration testing S. Nakajima, M. Shinoda, K. Abe, T. Mai & T. Ehara D-runway construction in Tokyo Haneda Airport—Hybrid structure of piled pier and reclamation fill Y. Watabe & T. Noguchi 12 Risk assessment and environmental issues Soil liquefaction vulnerability mapping due to seismic activity using geo-statistics, GIS and geotechnical dataB. Md. Habibullah, J. Kuwano, S. Tachibana & S. Yamaoka Evaluation of soil liquefaction potential along Tabriz Metro Line 2 based on Idriss-Boulanger and Japanese Highway Bridges methods E.A. Kaljahi & M. Babazadeh Stability evaluation of soft cliff subjected to wave erosion S. Kawamura & S. Miura Rainfall characteristics inducing shallow failure on road slope in Korea K.S. Kim & C.K. Chung Modeling of transportation and leaching behaviour of contaminants in stabilized tailings R.P. Mapinduzi, P.M. Bujulu & W. Mwegoha Internal erosion in dikes alongside roads and railways J. Monnet, O. Plé & D.M. Nguyen Mineral barriers against natural contamination from excavated rocks A. Naka, T. Katsumi, G. Flores, T. Inui, A. Takai & T. Ohta An appropriate stress test to estimate the long term performances of high speed rail structures M. Preteseille, P. Hornych & T. Lenoir Analysis of ground loosening behaviour in expansion of underground cavities: Laboratory experiments in sandy soil I.H.S. Renuka, R. Kuwano & T. Sato Author index
Seiichi Miura (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan), Tatsuya Ishikawa (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan), Nobuyuki Yoshida (Kobe University, Kobe, Japan), Yoshio Hisari (Hanshin Expressway Management Technology Center, Osaka, Japan), Nagato Abe (TOA ROAD CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan)
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