Chapter 1 1 Personality and the Assessment Center Method, Douglas W.Bray, AnnHoward; Chapter 2 2 Personality Development Through the Lifespan: Assessment by Means of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Jon D.Swartz, Robert C.Reinehr, Wayne H.Holtzman; Chapter 3 3 Multiple Dimensions of Object Relations in Neurotic, Borderline, and Schizophrenic Patients, Howard D.Lerner, Paul M.Lerner; Chapter 4 4 The Relationship of Headaches and Stomachaches to Negative Emotions: A Study of Intrasubject Variation in Four Cases, SeymourEpstein, WarrenKaplan; Chapter 5 5 Personality Correlates of Time Required to Complete Work for the Ph.D. Degree in Psychology, Harrison G.Gough; Chapter 6 6 Correlates and Possible Causes of Mathematics Anxiety, Eugene E.Levitt, Lucreda A.Hutton; Chapter 7 7 The Nature of Death Anxiety, Richard Lonetto, Donald I.Templer; Chapter 8 8 MMPI Interpretation: The Effects of Demographic Variables, Malcolm D.GyntherIndex; Subject Index;
Spielberger, C. D.; Butcher, J. N.; Spielberger, Charles D.