ISBN-13: 9783642146152 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 733 str.
ISBN-13: 9783642146152 / Angielski / Twarda / 2010 / 733 str.
This volume represents leading research from the Second KES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies, KES IDT 10, which was concerned with theory, design development, implementation, testing and evaluation of intelligent decision systems.
Keynote Papers.- Intelligence Analysis as Agent-Assisted Discovery of Evidence, Hypotheses and Arguments.- Intelligent Software for Ecological Building Design.- Decision Making Theory.- Issues in Aggregating AHP/ANP Scales.- An Application of Dominant Method: Empirical Approach to Public Sector Reform.- General Application of a Decision Support Framework for Software Testing Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques.- A Double-Shell Design Approach for Multiobjective Optimal Design of Microgrids.- A Comparison of Dominant AHP/CCM and AHP/ANP.- The Weighted Least Square Method Applied to the Binary and Ternary AHP.- Decision-Making by “Minor ANP” and Classification of the Types.- Improving the E-Store Business Model for Satisfying Customers’ Needs Using a Hybrid MCDM Combined DANP with Grey Relational Model.- Advances in Intelligent Decision Systems.- Multi-Agent System Protecting from Attacking with Elliptic Curve Cryptography.- An Implementation of a Multi-attribute Negotiation Protocol for E-Commerce.- A Decision Support System for Ore Blending Cost Optimization Problem of Blast Furnaces.- Intelligent Decision Technologies in Accounting and Finance.- A Study on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Pricing for Initial Public Offerings: The Application of Artificial Neural Networks.- Combining ICA with Kernel Based Regressions for Trading Support Systems on Financial Options.- Integration of Financial and Non-financial Information for Decision-Making by Using Goal Programming and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process on a Capital Budgeting Investment Case Study.- Optimization-Based Intelligent Techniques in Image Processing.- A Statistical Tailored Image Reconstruction from Projections Method.- Realistic 3D-Modeling of Forest Growth with Natural Effect.- E-commerce and Logistics Management.- A Parallel Simulated Annealing Solution for VRPTW Based on GPU Acceleration.- Evidential Reasoning Approach for MADA under Group and Fuzzy Decision Environment.- Study on the Inventory Forecasting in Supply Chains Based on Rough Set Theory and Improved BP Neural Network.- A Model of Disruption Management for Solving Delivery Delay.- A Real-Time Scheduling Method for a Variable-Route Bus in a Community.- A Fair Transaction Protocol with an Offline Semi-Trusted Third Party.- Impacts of Supply Chain Globalization on Quality Management and Firm Performance: Some Evidences in Shanghai, China.- Intelligent Spatial Decision Analysis.- Analysis of Fuzzyness in Spatial Variation of Real Estate Market: Some Italian Case Studies.- Assessing Macroseismic Data Reliability through Rough Set Theory: Application on Vulture Area (Basilicata, Southern Italy).- Fire Data Analysis and Feature Reduction Using Computational Intelligence Methods.- The Effect of Standardization in Multicriteria Decision Analysis on Health Policy Outcomes.- A Fuzzy Approach to the Small Area Estimation of Poverty in Italy.- Geographical Information Systems and Ontologies: Two Instruments for Building Spatial Analysis Systems.- Real Estate Decision Making Processes and Web-Based Applications: An Integrated Approach.- Geographical and Multi-criteria Approach for Hydro-geological Risk Evaluation in Decision Making Processes.- Analysis of Vulnerability of Road Networks on the Basis of Graph Topology and Related Attribute Information.- Using Intelligent Systems for Decision Support in Health Systems.- Adoption of Open Source Software in Healthcare.- Symbiotic Simulation Decision Support System for Injury Prevention.- Application of Subjective Logic to Health Research Surveys.- A Survey of Text Extraction Tools for Intelligent Healthcare Decision Support Systems.- Ontology-Based KMS and DMSS for Service Systems.- Towards Semantic-Aware and Ontology-Based e-Government Service Integration – An Applicative Case Study of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Scholarship Program.- Using Feature Selection with Bagging and Rule Extraction in Drug Discovery.- Validating and Designing a Service Centric View for C2TP: Cloud Computing Tipping Point Model.- Utilization of Agents for Key Distribution in IEEE 802.11.- Service-Oriented Innovation for Designing Intelligent Environment.- Approximately Solving Aggregate k-Nearest Neighbor Queries over Web Services.- Remotely Accessible Exercise Environment for Intrusion Detection/Defense Exercises Based on Virtual Machine Networks.- Supporting Design and Composition of Presentation Document Based on Presentation Scenario.- Translation Unit for Simultaneous Japanese-English Spoken Dialogue Translation.- Automatic Extraction of Phrasal Expressions for Supporting English Academic Writing.- A Simulation System of Disaster Areas for Evaluating Communication Systems.- Re-ranking of Retrieved Web Pages, Based on User Preference.- Applying Intelligent Decision Technology.- Automated N-Step Univariate Time Series Forecasts with Bayesian Networks.- Application of EVALPSN to Network Routing.- A Combination of Case-Based Reasoning and Analytic Hierarchy Process to Support Innovation in Industry.- Urban Spatiotemporal Data Modeling: Application to the Study of Pedestrian Walkways.- An Efficient Pruning Approach for Class Association Rule Mining.- Soft Data Analysis Based Fuzzy Systems, Control and Decision Making.- Binary Tree Classifier Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.- A Stackelberg Location Problem on a Tree Network with Fuzzy Random Demands.- Learning Based Self-organized Additive Fuzzy Clustering Method.- Kansei Communication and Value Creation in Human Mind.- A Modeling and Systems Thinking Approach to Activity Rousing Consumer’s Buying Motivation Focusing on “Kansei Information” in POP ADS at the Store.- Ageing Society and Kansei Communication.- A Study on Group Decision Making with Observation on the Process of Consensus Building.- Application of Modeling and Recommendation of Sensitivity to Get Tired.- Evaluation of Feelings Received from the Rhythms of Percussive Timbre and Relationships between Affective Values.- A Rough-Set-Based Two-Class Classifier for Large Imbalanced Dataset.- Future Direction of Innovative Decision Technologies.- A Hybrid MADM Based Competence Set Expansion for Marketing Imagination Capabilities.- Semiconductor Foundry Technology Life Cycle Strategy Portfolio Definitions of Fabless IC Design Firms by Using the ISM and Fuzzy Integral Method.- An Emotional Designed Based Hybrid MCDM Framework for the Next Generation Embedded System Configurations.- Derivations of Factors Influencing Segmental Consumer Behaviors Using the RST Combined with Flow Graph and FCA.- Power System Equipments Investment Decision-Making under Uncertainty: A Real Options Approach.- Combining DEMATEL and ANP with the Grey Relational Assessment Model for Improving the Planning in Regional Shopping Centers.- Key Success Factors of Brand Marketing for Creating the Brand Value Based on a MCDM Model Combining DEMATEL with ANP Methods.
Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT) seeks an interchange of research on intelligent systems and intelligent technologies which enhance or improve decision making in industry, government and academia. The focus is interdisciplinary in nature, and includes research on all aspects of intelligent decision technologies, from fundamental development to the applied system. This volume represents leading research from the Second KES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES IDT’10), hosted and organized by the Sellinger School of Business and Management, Loyola University Maryland, USA, in conjunction with KES International. The symposium was concerned with theory, design development, implementation, testing and evaluation of intelligent decision systems. Topics include decision making theory, intelligent agents, fuzzy logic, multi-agent systems, Bayesian networks, optimization, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, expert systems, decision support systems, geographic information systems, case-based reasoning, time series, knowledge management systems, Kansei communication, rough sets, spatial decision analysis, and multi-criteria decision analysis. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize decision making in many areas of management, healthcare, international business, finance, accounting, marketing, military applications, ecommerce, network management, crisis response, building design, information retrieval, and disaster recovery.
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