in Chaos Theory.- Advances
in Intelligent Control.
The book reports
on the latest advances in and applications of chaos theory and intelligent
control. Written by eminent scientists and active researchers and using a
clear, matter-of-fact style, it covers advanced theories, methods, and
applications in a variety of research areas, and explains key concepts in
modeling, analysis, and control of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Topics
include fractional chaotic systems, chaos control, chaos synchronization,
memristors, jerk circuits, chaotic systems with hidden attractors, mechanical
and biological chaos, and circuit realization of chaotic systems. The book
further covers fuzzy logic controllers, evolutionary algorithms, swarm
intelligence, and petri nets among other topics. Not only does it provide the
readers with chaos fundamentals and intelligent control-based algorithms; it
also discusses key applications of chaos as well as multidisciplinary solutions
developed via intelligent control. The book is a timely and comprehensive
reference guide for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in the
areas of chaos theory and intelligent control.