1.Vindication of Humic substances as a Key Component of Organic Matter in Soil and Water Michael H. B. Hayes and Roger S. Swift 2.Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Agriculture: The Crucial Role of Nitrogen in Cereal-Based Systems J. K. Ladha, M. L. Jat, C. M. Stirling, Debashis Chakraborty, Prajal Pradhan, Timothy J. Krupnik, Tek B. Sapkota and H. Pathak 3.Current Uncertainties in Assessing the Colloidal Phosphorus Loss from Soil Ai Chen and Yuji Arai 4.Making Science More Effective for Agriculture Victor Sadras, Julian Alston, Pedro Aphalo, David Connor, R. Ford Denison, Tony Fisher, Richard Gray, Peter Hayman, John Kirkegaard, Holger Kirchmann, Martin Kropff, H. Renee Lafitte, Peter Langridge, Jill Lenne, M. Ines Minguez, John Passioura, John R. Porter, Tim Reeves, Daniel Rodriguez, Megan Ryan, Francisco J. Villalobos and David Wood 5.Zinc Nutrition for High Productivity and Human Health in Intensive Production of Wheat Wei Zhang, Yan-Fang Xue, Xin-Ping Chen, Fu-Suo Zhang and Chun-Qin Zou 6.Current and Future Scenarios of Glyphosate Use in Europe: Are There Alternatives? Fogliatto Silvia, Aldo Ferrero, Francesco Vidotto
DONALD L. SPARKS is the Unidel S. Hallock du Pont Chair and Francis Alison Professor at the University of Delaware. He is internationally recognized for his research in the areas of kinetics of biogeochemical processes and surface chemistry of natural materials. His research has focused on fate and transport of trace metals in soil and water, soil remediation, water quality, and carbon sequestration in soils. Dr. Sparks is the author of two previous editions of Environmental Soil Chemistry and more than 350 refereed papers and book chapters. He is fellow of five scientific societies, and he has been the recipient of major awards and lectureships including the Geochemistry Medal from the American Chemical Society, the Liebig Medal from the International Union of Soil Sciences, the Einstein Professorship from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Philippe Duchaufour Medal from the European Geosciences Union. Dr. Sparks served as president of the Soil Science Society of America and the International Union of Soil Sciences, has served on advisory committees for several national laboratories and national and international centers and institutes, and served as chair of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Committee for Soil Sciences and other NAS Committees.