1. Introduction 2. UV/H2O2 Processes 3. Fenton and Photo-Fenton Processes 4. UV-Vis/Ferrrioxalate/H2O2 Processes 5. Ozone Based processes 6. Photocatalysis 7. Sonolysis 8. Microwave/H2O2 Processes 9. Y- Ray, X-Ray and Electron Beam Processes 10. Supercritical Water Oxidation 11. Electrochemical oxidation 12. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation processes
Ameta, Suresh C Prof. Suresh C. Ameta has served as Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, North Gujarat University Patan and M. L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur & Head, Department of Polymer Science. Now, he is serving as Dean, Faculty of Science, PAHER University, Udaipur. Prof. Ameta is a former President of the Indian Chemical Society, Kotkata and is currently Vice President. He was won a number of prizes including 2 for writing Chemistry books, a national teacher award and a Life Time Achievement Award by Indian Chemical Society. He has successfully guided 75 students for Ph. D. Dr. Ameta has more than 350 research papers and 36 books to his credit plus numerous chapters.
He has completed 5 Major Research Projects by DST, UGC, CSIR, Ministry of Energy, Govt. of India. His research areas are - Waste Water Treatment, Photochemistry, Green Chemistry, Microwave Assisted reactions, Environmental Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Solar Cells.