Part I: Grid Generation, Discretizations, and Solvers; 1. Unstructured PEBI Grids Conforming to Lower-Dimensional Objects R. L. Berge, Ø. S. Klemetsdal, and K.-A. Lie; 2. Nonlinear Finite-Volume Methods for the Flow Equation in Porous Media M. Al Kobaisi and W. Zhang; 3. Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Transport Equations in Porous Media Ø.S. Klemetsdal and K.-A. Lie; 4. Multiscale Pressure Solvers for Stratigraphic and Polytopal Grids K.-A. Lie and O. Møyner; Part II: Rapid Prototyping and Accelerated Computation; 5. Better AD Simulators with Flexible State Functions and Accurate Discretizations O. Møyner; 6. Faster Simulation with Optimized Automatic Differentiation and Compiled Linear Solvers O. Møyner; Part III: Modelling of New Physical Processes; 7. Using State Functions and MRST's AD-OO Framework to Implement Simulators for Chemical EOR X. Sun, K.-A. Lie, and K. Bao; 8. Compositional Simulation with the AD-OO Framework O. Møyner; 9. Embedded Discrete Fracture Models D. Wong, F. Doster, and S. Geiger; 10. Numerical Modelling of Fractured Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs O. Olorode, B. Wang and H. U. Rashid; 11. A Unified Framework for Flow Simulation in Fractured Reservoirs R. March, C. Maier, F. Doster, and S. Geiger; 12. Simulation of Geothermal Systems using MRST M. Collignon, Ø. S. Klemetsdal, and O. Møyner; 13. A Finite Volume-based Module for Unsaturated Poroelasticity J. Varela, S. Gasda, E. Keilegavlen, and J. M. Nordbotten; 14. A Brief Introduction to Poroelasticity and Simulation of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow in MRST O. Andersen; References.