Adult Education as Empowerment: Re-Imagining Lifelong Learning Through the Capability Approach, Recognition Theory and Common Goods Perspective » książka
"The book offers a comprehensive approach to the topic, the individual chapters can also largely be read independently." (Simon Broek, Hungarian Educational Research Journal, Vol. 12 (3), 2022)
1 Introduction: The Feasibility of Re-Imagining Adult Education as Empowerment
Part I Structure, Agency, and Empowerment in Adult Education Reconsidered
2 The Lifelong Learning Hybrid
3 The Heuristic Potential of the Capability Approach in Studying (Adult) Education
4 Adult Education as an Agency and Empowerment Process
5 The Social Embeddedness of the Capability to Participate in Adult Education
6 Lifelong Striving for Recognition: A Recognition Perspective Towards Adult Education
Part II Adult Education, Public Goods, and Common Goods
7 Towards a Holistic Understanding of the Missions and Roles of Adult Education
8 Equity for Whom, to What and Where: The Multi-Dimensional Character of Social Justice in Adult Education
9 Fragile Sociality: Inequalities in Access to Adult Education and Social Trust
10 Irreducibly Social: Rethinking Adult Education as a Common Good
11 Conclusion: Adult Education as an Instrument for Empowerment or Social Control?
12 Methodological Note: Pros and Cons of Large-Scale International Surveys
Pepka Boyadjieva is Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociologyat the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria and Honorary Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. She has published on higher education, educational inequalities, social justice in education, lifelong learning and school to work transitions.
Petya Ilieva-Trichkova is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria and holds a PhD from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. Her research interests cover inequalities in access to higher education, lifelong learning and graduate employability.