PrefaceIntroductionAcknowledgementsPart 1Chapter 1 Diagnostic tests and advanced formulaeChapter 2 SepsisChapter 3 Conflict ResolutionChapter 4 Patient AssessmentChapter 5 SBAR CommunicationPart 2Chapter 6 AirwayChapter 7 BreathingChapter 8 CirculationChapter 9 DisabilityChapter 10 ExposurePart 3Chapter 11 Emergency fluid management in adultsChapter 12 Treating Paediatric DehydrationChapter 13 HypodermoclysisChapter 14 Central LinesChapter 15 Invasive and Non-Invasive Ventilation (CPAP/BIPAP)Part 4Chapter 16 Critical care simulationChapter 17 Medical AbbreviationsChapter 18 Answers to activities questionsAppendix 1 NEWS II Observation ChartAppendix 2 Sepsis tool kitAppendix 3 Fluid prescription chart
Claire Boyd is Practice Development Trainer in the Learning and Research Centre at North Bristol Healthcare Trust, Bristol, UK. She develops, designs, delivers and evaluates learning programmes, and organises the transition training programme for student nurses and support of these nurses in clinical areas.