ISBN-13: 9789400738027 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 399 str.
ISBN-13: 9789400738027 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 399 str.
In the course of the years the volumes in the Acoustical Imaging Series have developedto become well-known and appreciated reference works. Offering both a broad perspective on the state of the art in the field as well as an in-depth look at its leading edge research, this Volume 30 in the Series contains again an excellent collection of contributions, presented in five major categories: "
Performance of a Method to Standardize Breast Ultrasound Interpretation Using Image Processing and Case-Based Reasoning
M. André, M. Galperin, A. Berry, H. Ojeda-Fournier, M. O’Boyle, L. Olson, C. Comstock, A. Taylor, M. Ledgerwood
High Resolution Ultrasonic Method for 3D Fingerprint Recognizable Characteristics In Biometrics Identification
R.Gr. Maev, E.Yu. Bakulin, A. Maeva, F. Severin
Ultrasonic Detection of Metastases in Dissected Lymph Nodes of Cancer Patients
E.J. Feleppa, J. Mamou, J. Machi, M. Hata, A. Coron, E. Yanagihara, P. Laugier
Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissue with Ultrasound Vibrometry
I. Nenadich, M. Bernal, J. Greenleaf
Vector Doppler Method Based on an Automatic Transverse Angle Tracking Procedure
A. Dallai, E. Boni, L. Francalanci, P. Tortoli
Proposal for Blood-Flow Imaging by Contrast Echo Using Counter-Crossed Beams
T. Eura, K. Yoshida, Y. Watanabe, T. Takayasu, K. Nakamura, I. Akiyama
Inverse Scattering Theory
J. Wiskin, D. Borup, S. Johnson
Inverse Scattering Results
J. Wiskin, D. Borup, K. Callahan, Y. Parisky, J. Smith, M. André, S. Johnson
Multiple Scattering Contribution to Trabecular Bone Backscatter
J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki
ULA-OP: A Fully Open Ultrasound Imaging/Doppler System
S. Ricci, L. Bassi, A. Cellai, A. Ramalli, F. Guidi, P. Tortoli
The Use of Quality Metrics in Ultrasonic Strain Imaging
A. Gee, G. Treece, L. Chen, R. Prager
Applying Echoes Mean Frequency Shift for Attenuation Imaging in Tissue
J. Litniewski, Z. Klimonda, A. Nowicki
Part II ACOUSTIC MICROSCOPYVisualization of Microvessels in Skin by Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Microscope
Y. Saijo, K. Kobayashi, N. Hozumi, A. Tanaka, S. Sakai
Technique for Visualization of Anisotropy of Biomedical Tissue by Shear Wave Acoustic Microscopy
B.R. Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maeva, R.Gr. Maev
High Frequency Ultrasound Imaging of Cartilage-Bone Complex
Y. Hagiwara, Y. Saijo, A. Ando, K. Kobayashi, A. Tanaka, N. Hozumi, K. Hatori, E. Itoi
Ultra-High Resolution Thin Film Thickness Delineation Using Reflection Phase-Sensitive Acoustic Microscopy
E.A. Mohamed, A. Kamanyi, M. von Buttlar, R. Wannemacher, K. Hillmann, W. Ngwa, W. Grill
Signal Processing for Time-Lapse Cell Imaging with Vector-Colntrast Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
M. von Buttlar, E.A. Mohamed, W. Grill
Acoustic Microscopy Study of Properties and Microstructure of Synthetic and Natural Fiber Composite Materials
I. Severina, J. Sadler, E.Y. Maeva
A Defect Localization Procedure Based on Warped Lamb Waves
L. De Marchi, A. Marzani, S. Caporale, N. Speciale
Second Harmonic Detection Generated from Fastened Bolt
M. Fukuda, K. Imano
In-line Ultrasonic Array System for Monitoring Dynamic of Coating Forming by Cold Spray Process
M. Lubrick, S. Titov, V. Leshchynsky, R.Gr. Maev
An Experimental Comparison of Thermographic and Acoustical Methods for Evaluation of Layered Structures
R.Gr. Maev, D. Gavrilov, G. Ghodsi, E. Maeva
Acoustic Microscope Inspection of Cylindrical Butt Laser Welds
R.Gr. Maev, F. Severin
Intracardiac Forward-Looking Ultrasound Imaging Catheters Using Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers
A. Nikoozadeh, I.O. Wygant, D.-S., Lin, Ö. Oralkan, K. Thomenius, A. Dentinger, D. Wildes, G. Akopyan, K. Shivkumar, A. Mahajan, D.N. Stephens, M. O’Donnell, D. Sahn, P.T. Khuri-Yakub
Conformal Ultrasound Imaging System
R.S. Singh, M.O. Culjat, M. Lee, D.B. Bennett, S. Natarjan, B.P. Cox, E.R. Brown, W.S. Grundfest, H. Lee
Air-Coupled Vibrometry
D. Döring, I. Solodov, G. Busse
A Hybrid Kirchoff Migration Direction-of-Arrival Method for Underwater Imaging of Complex Objects Using Sparse Sensor Arrays
J.-F. Dord, C. Farhat
Multi-View Acoustic Sizing and Classification of Individual Fish
P.L.D. Roberts, J.S. Jaffe
Acoustic Image Models for Obstacle Avoidance with Forward-Looking Sonar
T. Masek, M. Kölsch
Underwater Acoustical Imaging and Sensing Systems for Homing, Docking, Navigation and Collision Avoidance
H. Lee
Solving the Location of Acoustic Point Sources Scattered Due to the Presence of a Skull Phantom
J. Sadler, K. Shapoori, E. Malyarenko, A. DiCarlo, J. Dech, F. Severin, R.Gr. Maev
Reflection and Scattering of Acoustical Waves from a Discontinuity in Absorption
J. Jones, S. Leeman, E. Nolan, D. Lee
Automatic Regions of Interest Segmentation for Computer Aided Classification of Prostate TRUS Images
M. Scebran, A. Palladini, S. Maggio, L. De Marchi, N. Speciale
Determination of B/A of Biological Media by Measuring and Modeling Nonlinear Distortion of Pulsed Acoustic Wave in Two-Layer System of Media
T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki
A Consideration of Multi-Dimensional Simulation of Nonlinear Acoustic Wave Propagation Using the CIP Method
M. Konno, K. Okubo, T. Tsuchiya, N. Tagawa
A Study of Similarity Measures for In Vivo 3D Ultrasound Volume Registration
U.Z. Ijaz, R.W. Prager, A.H. Gee, G.M. Treece
Image Quality Improvement Performance Using the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique Data
P. Acevedo, A. Durán, E. Rubio
Expectation Maximization for Joint Deconvolution and Statistics Estimation
M. Alessandrini, A. Palladini, L. De Marchi, N. Speciale
Particle Swarm Optimization for In Vivo 3D Ultrasound Volume Registration
U.Z. Ijaz, R.W. Prager, A.H. Gee, G.M. Treece
Gauge Theory Formulation of Acoustical Imaging
W.S. Gan
High Resolution Pulse Compression Imaging Using Super Resolution FM-Chirp Correlation Method (SCM)
M. Fujiwara, K. Okubo, N. Tagawa
Medical Ultrasound Image Deconvolution
H.-C. Shin, R. Prager, H. Gomersall, N. Kingsbury, G. Treece, A. Gee
Numerical and Physical Modeling of Tomography Process Based on Third-Order Nonlinear Acoustical Effects
V.A. Burov, A.A. Shmelev, O.D. Rumyantseva
Professor Glen Wade
H. Lee
Subject Index
Author Index
The International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging is a unique forum for advanced research, covering new technologies, developments, methods and theories in all areas of acoustics. This interdisciplinary Symposium has been taking place every two years since 1968. In the course of the years the proceedings volumes in the Acoustical Imaging Series have become a reference for cutting-edge research in the field. In 2009 the 30th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging was held in Monterey, CA, USA, March 1-4. Offering both a broad perspective on the state-of-the-art as well as in-depth research contributions by the specialists in the field, this Volume 30 in the Series contains an excellent collection of forty three papers presented in five major categories:
Biomedical Imaging
Acoustic Microscopy
Non-Destructive Evaluation
Systems Analysis
Signal Analysis and Image Processing
Researchers in medical imaging and biomedical instrumentation experts.
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