Introduction 1Part 1: Getting to Know the ACFT 5Chapter 1: Army Physical Fitness: The Cornerstone of Combat Readiness 7Chapter 2: Getting an Overview of the ACFT 17Chapter 3: Understanding How the Army Administers the ACFT 41Chapter 4: Breaking Down ACFT Instructions and Scoring 51Part 2: Training for the ACFT on Your Own Time 81Chapter 5: Putting the (Mandatory) "Fun" in Functional Fitness 83Chapter 6: Stacking Up the Army's Physical Fitness Components 99Chapter 7: Examining P3, PRT, H2F, and the ACFT 113Chapter 8: Training to Standard on the ACFT 151Chapter 9: Stretching for Recovery and Peak Performance 205Chapter 10: Focusing on the ACFT for Females 249Chapter 11: Surveying ACFT Training for Seasoned Soldiers 259Chapter 12: Dealing with Injuries 269Part 3: Structure, Form, and Functional Fitness 279Chapter 13: Wising Up to Workout Wisdom 281Chapter 14: Understanding Your Body's Muscular Structure 287Chapter 15: Strength Training to Get Army Strong 293Chapter 16: Pumping Some Heart-Smart Aerobic Exercise 305Chapter 17: Trying Functional Fitness Concepts for Your Core 315Chapter 18: Personalizing Your Workout Routine 335Part 4: Nutrition and the "Whole Soldier" Concept 347Chapter 19: Surveying Army Standards for Height and Weight 349Chapter 20: Becoming a Lean, Green, Fighting Machine: Principles of Nutrition 357Chapter 21: Identifying the Building Blocks of Nutrition 365Chapter 22: Drink Water: It's More Than a Basic Training Chant 379Chapter 23: Making Sure Everything You Take In Counts 385Chapter 24: Eating Right 403Part 5: The Part of Tens 409Chapter 25: Ten Surefire Ways to Fail the ACFT 411Chapter 26: Ten Tips for Maxing Out Your Score on the ACFT 415Chapter 27: Ten Ways to Change up Your Exercise Routine 419Chapter 28: Ten Ways to Cut Calories without Starving 423Appendix: Fill-in-the-Blanks Workout Calendar 427Index 429
Angie Papple Johnston joined the United States Army in 2006, preparing to tackle chemical weapons as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist. She is also a certified group fitness trainer.