1. Introduction - Nuclear Power is Green 2. Status of materials in light water reactors. Why do we need a materials renewal? 3. Current Development of Accident Tolerant Fuels Worldwide 4. FeCrAl - Iron Chromium Aluminium alloys 5. Coatings for Zirconium Alloys 6. Silicon Carbide and Ceramics 7. Next Generation of Power Reactors 8. Looking to the future
Raul B. Rebak studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Misiones and then received a national scholarship to work at the Argentine Commission of Atomic Energy. He attended The Ohio State University's Materials Science program where he received a PhD degree in corrosion and metallurgy. From 1996 to 2000 he worked as a corrosion engineer at Haynes International in Indiana and from 2001 to 2007 at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Since 2007, Dr. Rebak has served as a corrosion scientists at GE Global Research Center in Schenectady, NY where he provides his experience in corrosion science and corrosion engineering applications in areas such as nuclear, oil and gas, energy storage, aviation, etc. Dr. Rebak has over 30 years' experience in the corrosion and energy industry and has published over 250 technical articles in corrosion. He is a member of ASTM International, NACE International, ASM International, TMS, etc. He is a Fellow of NACE International and The Corrosion Society.