All about Ices, Ices, Ice, Salt, Freezers, Conservators, Freezing of Ices, Section I- Water Ices, Granita or Granito, Section II Cream Ices, Section III Dessert Ices, Syrup for Souffle, Bombes, Section IV About Jellies and Creams, Jelly Bags, Calves' Feet Jelly Stock, Gelatine Jelly Stock, Gelatine and Isinglass, To Clarify Isinglass, Decorated Moulds, Colouring Jellies, Fruit Jellies, Simple Syrup, Aspic Jelly, Section V Creams, Creams, Whipping Cream for Moulds, Melting Isinglass and Gelatine, Charlottes of Cream, Fruit Creams, Creams, Ambassador Cream, Pompadour Cream, Italian Cream, Victoria Cream, Section VI Jams and Conserves, Fruit Jams, Fresh Jams, Jellies, Marmalade, Fruit Pastes, Pulps, Peels, Marrons Glace, Angelica, Compote, Cups, Lemonades, Index.
Harris Margaret Harris is Assistant Director at the Cente... więcej >