Philipp Charaoui (geb. 1998 in Hof) schreibt mit dem Fokus auf Menschen, reale Geschichten über Erlebtes, abgeändert und stilistisch verzerrt. "Menschen.Typen." stellt verschiedene Begegnungen und Beobachtungen der ersten Jahre in der Erwachsenenwelt dar. Es sind diese verschiedenen Lebensgeschichten, die er durch das Leben in Irland, der Bretagne und England machte, die ihn in der Charakterbildung beeinflusst und verändert haben. Charaoui leitet gemeinsam mit zwei Freunden das Antiquariat und Kulturprojekt Wilsbergensis in dem kleinen, oberfränkischen Städtchen Weißenstadt.Philipp Charaoui (born 1998) is a German author, artist, and primary school teacher who has a deep interest in new technologies and how they change the way artists work. He has studied English language and literature as well as interdisciplinary science teaching, lived, worked and studied in Sheffield (UK), Prague (CZ) and Brittany (France), and has published three very different books. He lives in Weißenstadt, a small rural town in Upper Franconia, where he runs an antiquarian bookshop with gallery - the cultural heart of the region.Published Books:Lostplace: Die Pelz (Lostplace: the Fur Factory)A photography and poem book of an old fur factory, featuring 10 regional artists.Menschentypen (Human Kinds)A book about 19 colourful human encounters, illustrated with flamingo sketches.ICH (ME) A collection of poemspublished for an old man who wrote in the 80s, illustrated with simplistic lines.