List of Maps xiiiPreface to the Fourth Edition xvAcknowledgments xvii1 Purpose and Method 12 Secular Humanism 133 Indigenous Religions 454 Hinduism 655 Jainism 1056 Buddhism 1157 Chinese Religion 1478 Shintoism 1799 Zoroastrianism 20510 Judaism 21711 Christianity 24712 Islam 27113 Sikhism 29914 Emerging Religions 329Worldwide Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas, Mid-2010 353Annotated Bibliography 357Credits 367Index 379
IAN S. MARKHAM is Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and Professor of Theology and Ethics. He has written extensively in the areas of interreligious dialogue and social ethics. His work includes Understanding Christian Doctrine and Do Morals Matter?CHRISTY LOHR SAPP is Pastor of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Hickory, NC - the "College Church" of Lenoir-Rhyne University. She has held various staff and leadership positions in international interfaith organizations and local ecumenical networks.