"Instructors should encourage their students to become more sensitive to current ethical issues, and this 2nd edition by Sush and Najdowski is the ideal text for that purpose; the scenarios sound exactly like the questions that we receive at the ABA Hotline every day. The authors focus not just on topical discussion but take a focused, problem-solving approach."
-Jon S. Bailey, PhD, BCBA-D, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
"A Workbook of Ethical Case Scenarios in Applied Behavior Analysis is a goldmine for instructors in search of case studies for teaching ethical decision-making and makes a significant and timely contribution to the field of behavior analysis."
-Matthew T. Brodhead, PhD, BCBA-D, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
"This workbook provides a tremendous resource for helping new behavior analysts work through commonly encountered ethical dilemmas. This will be a great asset in ethics courses and in preparation for the exam."
-Linda A. LeBlanc, PhD, BCBA-D, LeBlanc Behavioral Consulting, Golden, Colorado
"Sush and Najdowski provide a comprehensive set of scenarios that represent the full range of ethical standards set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board®. The scenarios are realistic and relevant to situations a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® would likely encounter in his or her career. I especially like how the authors have structured the analysis of the scenarios in a behavior analytic format (e.g., analyzing the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences involved in the situation). The authors provide a behavioral skills training approach to the text by first providing models of how the practitioner should write answers to the provided scenarios and then providing space for guided practice to occur with a course instructor, supervisor, or mentor. I am eager to use this workbook with my own students and in my own instruction."
-Stephanie Peterson, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Section I: Background and Preparation for Analysis of Ethical Case Scenarios
1. A Brief Introduction to Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis
2. Using this Workbook
3. Suggestions for Ethical Decision Making
4. Examples of Completed Case Scenarios
Section II: Ethical Case Scenarios
5. Section 1: Responsibility as a Professional
Case 1: Signed, Sealed
Case 2: Licensed to Ill
Case 3: Dropped Deadline
Case 4: Divided Attention
Case 5: Parents' Night Out
Case 6: Risky Referral
Case 7: Learn Something New
Case 8: Above Paygrade
Case 9: ACTing Ethically
Case 10: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Case 11: How Different Can It Be?
Case 12: Requested Removal
Case 13: Human Resources
Case 14: Discrimination Discrepancy
Case 15: Equal Opportunity
Case 16: Cultural Conclusions
Case 17: Canceled Considerations
Case 18: Break Up, Break Down
Case 19: Request for Service
Case 20: Unfriend Request
Case 21: Party Time
Case 22: The Only One for the Job
Case 23: Someone's Gotta Do It
Case 24: I Know That Guy
Case 25: Lack of Snack
Case 26: Ethical Headache
Case 27: Sharing Is Caring
Case 28: Season Pass
Case 29: More Than Friends
Case 30: Swipe Left
Case 31: Just Not Into You
Case 32: Old Flame
Case 33: Slipped My Mind
Case 34: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Case 35: Under the Influence
Case 36: It's Just Business
Case 37: Gentle Nudge
6. Section 2: Responsibility in Practice
Case 38: No "I in Team
Case 39: Walking Billboard
Case 40: Word of Mouth
Case 41: Holiday Spirit
Case 42: Coffee Talk
Case 43: Decoration Dilemma
Case 44: Scam Likely
Case 45: My Password Is "Password
Case 46: Need a Nap
Case 47: Billing Blunder
Case 48: Hidden Fees
Case 49: Monolingual Mess
Case 50: Identity First
Case 51: Safety First
Case 52: Preemptive Plan
Case 53: Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V
Case 54: Running on Empty
Case 55: Sweet Tooth
Case 56: Punitive Measures
Case 57: Let's Move
Case 58: All in the Family
Case 59: Community Integration
Case 60: Supplies With Legs
Case 61: All Booked Up
Case 62: Unlocked and Unloaded
Case 63: Can You Hear Me Now?
Case 64: Zooming Into Treatment
Case 65: Promises, Promises
7. Section 3: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders
Case 66: Unfortunate News
Case 67: Short Staffed
Case 68: Fixer Upper
Case 69: Paused Payments
Case 70: On Call
Case 71: Stay in My Lane
Case 72: Rights to Results
Case 73: You Get What You Get
Case 74: Reasonable Suspicion
Case 75: Fighting Fads
Case 76: Stay the Course
Case 77: Put Words in Your Mouth
Case 78: Nonessential Oils
Case 79: Look No Further
Case 80: Muffin Melodrama
Casee 81: You Scratch My Back
Case 82: Cut Off
Case 83: Should I Stay or Should I Go
8. Section 4: Responsibility to Supervisees and Trainees
Case 84: Spread Too Thin
Case 85: Slippery Supervision
Case 86: Fractured Focus
Case 87: Compliment Sandwich
Case 88: Just Do It
Case 89: Too Good at Goodbyes
Case 90: In Search of Supervision
9. Section 5: Responsibility in Public Statements
Case 91: Hey, That's Me!
Case 92: Getting the Word Out
Case 93: Take My Advice
Case 94: Problems in Press
Case 95: Press Release
Case 96: Public Persona
Case 97: Don't Quote Me
Case 98: Varied Expertise
Case 99: Responding to Reviews
Case 100: Good Intentions
Case 101: #Hashtag
Case 102: Internet Troll
Case 103: Training the Trainers
Case 104: Top 10
10. Section 6: Responsibility in Research
Case 105: Crunch the Numbers
Case 106: Undue Influence
Case 107: Et Al
11.Complex Scenarios Involving Multiple Sections of the Code