`Paul Ekins has written a powerful, inspiring book.' - The Tablet
`There is a great deal of interesting material and the perspective is genuinely global, with examples taken from several dozen countries.' - Times Higher Educational Supplement
`Ekins shows very clearly that the objectives of the peace, social justice, green and feminist movements cannot be separated without tearing the heart out of each.' - New Statesman and Society
`An exciting and historically timely book with both vision and pragmatism.' - Development
`.. highly readable ... Ekins presents a wide survey of the activities of organisations and individuals in the field of what is sometimes called "Another Development" or development "as if people mattered". - Third World Quarterly
Introduction 1. The Global Problematique 2. The Need for New Approaches 3. Peace Through Public Pressure and Real Security 4. In Defence of Human Rights 5. Contrasts in Development 6. Development for People 7. Environmental Regeneration 8. Further Aspects of Human Development 10. Conclusion