"Spurr delivers a haunting account of a young girl grappling with abandonment in this excellent debut...Through Rae's devastating yet hopeful interior dialogue, Spurr delicately illustrates the complexity of loss and isolation." Publishers Weekly
"A Million Things draws the reader into an intimate world of unforgettable characters and heartfelt expressions of love and grief. This is a great selection for book clubs who are looking for...a genuinely touching read." BookBrowse
Swept me into its thrall so immediately that I didn t realize I d been holding my breath until I reached the end...Fresh and slim, this novel pierces like a bullet and soothes like a psalm. Amy Jo Burns, author of Shiner
Poignant, uplifting and beautifully written. Catherine Jinks
Spurr deftly slides into Rae s 10-year-old consciousness, expertly balancing the innocence and maturity of a child grown up too soon. Booklist
Born in Tasmania, Emily Spurr lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her partner, their twins, and a deaf, geriatric cat. Short-listed for the prestigious Victorian Premier's Unpublished Manuscript Prize, A Million Things is her first novel.