AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorIntroductionPart 1 The Beginning1 Funding private enterprise1.1 Funding maritime ventures1.2 Private capital and the sugar boom1.3 The joint-stock corporation1.4 Organization of stock markets1.5 Risk capital during the Second Industrial Revolution2 Enterprise financing in the US from WWII to the 1960s3 How Silicon Valley came to be3.1 The government's critical role3.2 Frederick Terman at Stanford3.3 Disruptive technologies and spinouts3.4 The "Fairchildren"3.5 The Silicon Valley industrial cluster4 US private equity during the 1960s and 1970s4.1 The rise of modern venture capital4.2 Buyouts during the 1970s4.3 The establishment of early buyout firms and the LBO model4.4 Limited PartnershipsPart 2 Booms and busts5 Private equity during the 1980s5.1 Venture capital5.2 The LBO boom during the 1980s5.3 Takeovers - did they work out?5.4 Private real estate6 The 1990s - dotcom boom and bust6.1 Intermediaries in private markets6.2 Funds of funds6.3 Secondaries FoFs6.4 Listed private equity (LPE)6.5 The arrival of the internet and the dotcom boom6.6 The telecom boom6.7 Venture Capital during the 1990s6.8 Buyouts - an industry learning new skills6.9 UK LBOs become pan-European6.10 Private Real Estate during the 1990sPart 3 Becoming Indispensable7 A private markets boom between two crises7.1 Funds of Funds (FoFs) take off7.2 Secondaries FoFs7.3 Listed private equity: managers' IPOs7.4 Venture capital in the in the post-dotcom era7.5 The buyout boom7.6 Private real estate7.7 Infrastructure7.8 Natural Resources8 The GFC and the surge of private markets8.1 The Great Financial Crisis and its impact8.2 The great private markets boom8.3 A 10 trillion-dollar asset class8.4 Mega-firms dominate the industry8.5 The rise of permanent capital8.6 The technology boom and the rise of the entrepreneur8.7 The Unicorn boom8.8 SPACs8.9 The investment landscape has changed9 A decade of strong growth9.1 FoFs - the changing landscape of intermediaries9.2 Co-investments and direct investments9.3 Secondary Markets9.4 Listed Private Equity (LPE)9.5 VC during the technology boom9.6 Late-stage super-rounds: DoorDash9.7 The role VCs in the new environment9.8 AI: opportunities and challenges beyond the hype9.9 Venture capital in China9.10 Growth financing9.11 Buyouts9.12 The GFC as a catalyst for private debt9.13 Real Estate9.14 Infrastructure and natural resources9.15 A powerful tide that lifted all boats9.16 Back to the beginning and beyondBibliography/CitationsIndex